22 novembre a Strike/ Resistendo al capitale/ sulla finanziarizzazione dell città (Coordinamenta femminista e lesbica di collettivi e singole - Roma)
Venerdì 22 novembre dalle 17.30 a via Umberto Partini 21. L’incontro di venerdì 22 novembre a Strike rappresenta un’importante occasione di confronto tra diverse realtà in lotta per discutere insieme le dinamiche finanziarie che continuano a privatizzare i nostri territori e gli spazi pubblici, sottraendo le abitazioni ai bisogni reali delle persone e allontanando luoghi e comunità dalle città. La costruzione di uno Student Hotel vicino a Strike sembra inserirsi nel solco di una tendenza diffusa in molte città, dove l’arrivo di simili strutture ha spesso segnato l’inizio di profondi cambiamenti nel tessuto sociale ed economico dei quartieri ospitanti. Questi […]
20-22 dicembre 2024 in via del leone 60/62
19/11 URGENT: Call for a solidarity gathering for Comrade Nikos Romanos, at the Evelpidon courts in Athens -Greece (Act for freedom now!)
We call for a solidarity gathering for comrade Nikos Romanos, on 19/11 at 10:00, at the courts of Evelpidon NO ONE ALONE IN THE HANDS OF THE STATE SOLIDARITY TO THE PRISONERS MARIANNA, DIMITRA AND DIMITRIS KYRIAKOS XYMITIRIS IS ONE OF US COMRADE FOREVER ON THE PATHS OF FIRE SOLIDARITY IS OUR WEAPON Assembly of Solidarity for the imprisoned, fugitive and persecuted fighters translated by Act for freedom now! ——————— Actforfree note: Anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos has been arrested by anti-terrorist cops during an operation yesterday 18/11 in Athens in connection with the same case involving the explosion at an […]
Extract from Bremen, Germany: Anti-militarist attack on the Kaefer Group – Switch-off the system of destruction (Act for freedom now!)
14 November 2024 Anti-militarist attack on the Kaefer Group Fire against Kaefer! Sabotaging the arms industry. What is destructive must be destroyed. On the night of November 9-10, 2024, at the headquarters of the Kaefer Group in Bremen-Walle, we set fire to two company vehicles. The vehicles were well away from the building and other vehicles, so there was no danger to people. Kaefer is a global group based in Bremen. According to its own information, Kaefer is mainly active in the fields of industrial plant insulation, access technology, surface protection, fire protection, electrical and mechanical services, marine interior design, […]
1. Wir benutzen das Wort „Identitätspolitik“ nicht gerne, weil wir nicht genau wissen, was es bedeutet. Das liegt nur zur Hälfte an unserem erschreckenden Mangel an Bildung. Zur anderen Hälfte liegt es daran, dass es niemandem gelungen ist, amtlich zu erklären, was es bedeuten soll; namentlich unter denjenigen, die sich für Identitätspolitik erklären. „Identitätspolitik“ gehört zu den vielen Wörtern, die im politischen Denken der heutigen Gesellschaft herumflattern, die keine vernünftige Definition kennen, die alles bedeuten können und auch das Gegenteil, und die insgesamt eher zur Verwirrung beitragen als zur Klärung. Es ist vermutlich kein Zufall. Jeder Begriff, den diese Gesellschaft […]
Hezbollah carried out qualitative strikes on Monday against Israeli occupation forces, strategic sites, and settlements in support of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and in defense of Lebanese territory and its people. The group’s Military Media reported a series of rocket and drone attacks targeting critical locations in the occupied territories and Zionist forces. The Zionist occupation army confirmed Monday that Tel Aviv had been targeted by several advanced missiles, resulting in significant damage and power outages in parts of the area. It was reported that numerous people were wounded, and at least two killed. The final toll is yet […]
In a menacing shift of U.S. policy with less than two months left in office, President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine to use U.S. long-range missiles for strikes deep within Russian territory, potentially engaging in a direct NATO war with Russia, in effect, threatening human life on the planet. The authorization, reported on Nov. 17 by the New York Times, explicitly permits Ukraine to employ the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) — a long-range missile designed for support of ground troop incursions — against both Russian forces and North Korean troops allegedly operating in Russia’s Kursk region, according to bourgeois […]
Born in 1995 in Hakkari, Fatma Kaynak grew up in a patriotic family. Thanks to the patriotic consciousness of her family and the region she lived in, she got to know the PKK at a very young age. As she witnessed the enemy’s genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people and the reality of occupation, she understood the reason for the emergence of the PKK much better. This reality was clearly seen in the schools of the system that did not accept the Kurdish existence, language and identity. The enemy’s imposition of slavery on the Kurdish people and the non-recognition of […]
by MOLEGHAF, Popular Resistance Viv Ansanm (the paramilitary gang strangely named “Live Together”) has plunged our population into a terrible darkness in Solino, Fò Nasyonal, Nazon, Kriswa and other nearby popular neighborhoods or ghettos in Port-au-Prince. None of us are free to leave our homes. We don’t know which way to go. The bloodthirsty death squads kill the poor and unfortunate inside their shacks. They burn through homes and memories. We, the population of Solino, have long resisted this barbarism. Stand with us. We need help! The neocolonial Haitian state and their foreign masters lay the basis of these […]
From the extermination center of Aranjuez (Madrid), a territory occupied by the Spanish state, we receive and disseminate. With some delay (because of these useless people, as usual) we received a letter from Toni Chavero, who has been transferred from Estremera to Aranjuez, both extermination centers located in Madrid. In his letter, Toni denounces the “low intensity” repressive situation to which he is being subjected. To make him explode and make him end up in isolation. Retention of personal belongings, packages returned with a disgusting and trashy reasoning, retention of money and other tasks typical of these savage bastards, to […]
Anarchists Attack Riot Police on Anniversary of the 1973 Student Revolt (Thessaloniki, Greece) (Abolition Media)
17th of November is the day that the student revolt against the dictatorship – that took place in Athens, Greece in 1973 – is being commemorated. The 3days commemoration leads to a march at the streets of almost every city in Greece. Decades later the commemoration of the student revolt continues with the participation of tens of thousands all over Greece, based on the fact that the anniversary has been linked with current politics, thus taking part in it is not just an act of remembrance of what the revolted students achieved at the time, but serves as a means […]
Word comes to us from comrades in Greece that anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos has been arrested by anti-terrorist cops during an operation today in Athens and has been take to the GADA (Athens Central Police Headquarters). All we know so far is that he has been arrested in connection with the same case involving the explosion at an apartment in the neighborhood of Ampelokipoi in Athens on 31st October. Strength and complicity comrade, you will not be left alone! DN Collective [URGENT] Call for a solidarity gathering at GADA, 9pm We are calling for a solidarity gathering with the 31-year-old […]
[I am writing as an insurrectionary anarchist in the u$a and speaking to that context] Unity Of Fields is a counter-info project that emerged in August of 2024. They describe their project as “a militant propaganda front against the US-NATO-zionist axis of imperialism.” It used to be Palestine Action US and has since changed its …
This text is addressed to the international anarchist movement, which we’ll define as the sum of individuals fighting for anarchist ideas around the world. This movement is in conflict with its natural enemies — the State, fascist groups, and so on — and must protect itself if it is to survive in this conflict. In …
Der Spitzenkandidat und Vorsitzende der Linkspartei, Jan van Aken, hat eines unser Adbustings entdeckt. Auf Twitter schreibt er: „Statt Werbung der #Bundeswehr fürs Sterben brauchen wir Abrüstung. Wir müssen uns für friedliche Lösungen von Konflikten und Krieg einsetzen. Mega Adbusting Aktion in Berlin“ Wir sagen: „Vielen Dank für die Props!“
“Revolusi bertujuan untuk pengaturan yang baru; pemberontakan tidak lagi membuat kita membiarkan diri kita diatur, tetapi untuk mengatur diri kita sendiri, dan tidak menaruh harapan-harapan gemerlap pada ‘institusi’. — Max Stirner” “Jangan ikuti aku… Aku tidak memimpin dirimu…” “Jangan berjalan di depanku… Aku tidak akan mengikutimu…” “Pahatlah jalanmu sendiri… Jadilah dirimu sendiri…” —Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Imprisoned Members Cell “Aku tahu bahwa akan ada akhirnya pertarungan antara persenjataan hebat Negara dan aku. Aku tahu bahwa aku akan dikalahkan, aku akan menjadi yang lebih lemah, tetapi aku berharap bisa membuatmu membayar dengan sangat mahal untuk kemenangan itu.” — Octave Garnier […]
This week, at the behest of Helios Epicence, we read The Emerald Tablet of Hermes: Multiple Translations. WITH a few pages from The Alchemy Reader: 27-28, “Hermes Trismegistus,” and 246-247, Isaac Newton’s commentary on the Tablet. Please also take a look at the images at the beginning of the book, Figures 1-14. A word from Helios: The Emerald Tablet may be the beating heart within the body of Western/Middle Eastern Alchemy writings devoted to the cultivation of a Philosopher’s Stone. Many hold the Tablet, the source of the Hermetic adage “As Above, So Below”, to be a rubric of instruction […]
extraído desde Dark Nights Nos llegan noticias de compañerxs de Grecia de que el compañero anarquista Nikos Romanos ha sido detenido por policías antiterroristas durante una operación hoy en Atenas y ha sido llevado a la GADA (Jefatura Central de Policía de Atenas). Todo lo que sabemos hasta ahora es que ha sido detenido en relación con el mismo caso de la explosión en un apartamento en el barrio de Ampelokipoi en Atenas el 31 de octubre. Fuerza y complicidad ccompañero, ¡no te dejaremos solo! Colectivo DN [URGENTE] Convocatoria de concentración de solidaridad en GADA, 21h Convocamos una concentración de […]
Comunicado del compañero Shemi, a dos meses detenido en la romeria a los 51 años del Golpe Militar. Parto escribiendo estas palabras con muchas emociones a la vez, son ya 2 meses privado de libertad en las jaulas de la empresa “santiago 1”. Mi instancia acá dentro quizás no ha sido tan dura, más bien ha sido llena de experiencias y aprendizajes.El 8 de septiembre fui detenido en la romería, en la conmemoración de lxs caidxs de una época donde se fue avalada las torturas, sufrimiento, violaciones, desapariciones y muertes de muchos y muchas en la dictadura. Es emergido un […]
I have multiple scripts at completion so expect some new video content soon!
Despite relentless Israeli attempts to misrepresent and dismantle Hezbollah, the organization has endured. A look at the group’s history and goals explains its enduring power and shows how much of what’s said in Western media is not true. Hezbollah, Arabic for “The Party of God”, also named “The Islamic Resistance of Lebanon,” has been increasingly making headlines in recent months, as Israel continues its war on Lebanon. Earlier this week, Israel’s new war minister Yizrael Katz announced the “defeat” of Hezbollah. The group responded with unprecedented rocket barrages and more drone attacks on Haifa and Tel Aviv, showcasing its fighting […]
Pubblichiamo qui di seguito appunti sparsi presi il 16 ottobre scorso, quando l’assessore all’urbanistica Mazzoleni ha incontrato studentesse e studenti della Facoltà di Architettura per presentare il nuovo Piano Regolatore Generale di Torino. L’incontro, dal titolo “Trasformazioni e politiche per la Torino del futuro”, rientrava nel programma di Scenario Torino, una collaborazione tra l’Assessorato all’Urbanistica comunale e i dipartimenti DAD (Architettura e Design) e DIST (Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio) del Politecnico di Torino. Il progetto, iniziato l’anno passato, è nato per favorire lo scambio di idee e interessi tra il Comune di Torino e il corpo […]
Fändest du es eigentlich sinnvoll, mal zu lernen, wie man Emails, Daten und USB-Sticks verschlüsseln kann, aber es ist irgendwie so nervig, das alleine zu lernen? Wir bieten einen Praxis-Workshop zur Einführung in digitale Sicherheit an! Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Leute mit wenig oder keiner Erfahrung mit dem Thema. Im Input-Teil erhalten wir Informationen und Grundlagen, die wir dann in einem Praxis-Teil vertiefen können. Es werden Expert*innen und Helfer*innen vor Ort sein, die uns dann dabei unterstützen, Dinge selbst auszuprobieren. Für Snacks und Getränke wird gesorgt sein. Mitbringen: eigene technische Geräte eurer Wahl plus Ladekabel einen USB-Stick ein wenig […]
Un tentativo necessario. Appunti sintetici sulla chiusura della collana Quintotipo e sulle forme della riflessione femminista scritta (filomena *filo* sottile)
Quintotipo, la collana di UNO (1), oggetti narrativi non identificati, della casa editrice Alegre, ha chiuso i battenti nel maggio scorso. Oggi, nel decennale della prima uscita, Wu Ming 1 – che l’ha ideata e, insieme a Pietro De Vivo, diretta – ne traccia un bilancio. In quella schiera di narrazioni sghembe in cui Storia e storie osano la via del molteplice anche io ho lasciato tracce. A fine 2021 la collana ha ospitato il mio Senza titolo di viaggio. Storie e canzoni dal margine dei generi e, nel maggio 2023, tre anni di lavoro a tre teste tre cuori […]
“Un Quirófano en la Selva Lacandona” 🏥🐌La Red Europa Zapatista lanza esta campaña de apoyo al proyecto de Salud Autónoma Zapatista, para conseguir recursos para la construcción de un quirófano en territorio Zapatista 🩺🐚Durante el día de hoy, en el que se cumplen 41 años de la fundación del EZLN, te pedimos que: 📲 Circules la imagen de la campaña en tus redes sociales, con los Hashtags #UnQuirofanoEnLaSelva #EZLN 📣¡Pasa la voz! Invita a más gente a unirse a la campaña 📬Más info: eurozapweb@riseup.net
Heute vor 41 Jahren, am 17.11.83, wurde im mexikanischen Regenwald – der „Selva Lacandona“ – die EZLN gegründet, die Befreiungsarmee der Zapatistas. Seit Jahrzehnten bauen sie in Chiapas, Südmexiko eine basisdemokratische, auf #Solidarität und #Selbstverwaltung fußende Gesellschaft auf. Immer wieder sind sie dabei Angriffen durch Staat, Konzerne und Paramilitärs ausgesetzt. Zurzeit erreicht die Gewalt gegen indigene Gemeinden in #Chiapas ein neues Niveau, besonders gefährlich ist dabei die Ausbreitung der Drogenkartelle. Darum startet heute, zum 41. Geburtstag der #EZLN, die Kampagne „Ein OP-Saal im lakandonischen Regenwald“, um die #Zapatistas finanziell bei dem Bau eines autonomen OP Gebäudes zu unterstützen. Die Einladung: […]
Wir wollen Strukturen stärken, die uns nahe stehen. Deswegen verlegen wir unser Feierabend Abendmahl in das FAU München Gewerkschafts Lokal in der Gabelsbegerstraße 44 in der Maxvorstadt. Es wird für den kleinen Geldbeutel lecker gekocht und es wird jeweils die A-Tram und das FAU Ladenlokal kurz vorgestellt und haben eine kleine Diskussions Runde wie wir uns den Rechtsruck in Politik und Gesellschaft gewerkschaftlich entgegen stellen können und besprechen auch internationale Bespiele wie z.B unsere Schwester Gewerkschaft wie die CNT im spanischen Staat dies organisiert. Abschließend spielt Steady Hollering Jonny auf der Akustik Gitarre Working Class Lieder um uns für kommende […]
Edito da Sicilia Punto L, Ragusa, Maggio 2003, 174 p. Dopo Il cristallo di quarzo, romanzo d’esordio, Marco Sommariva torna a stupirci con Vorompatra, avvincente come un giallo, interessante come un trattato che, in forma di romanzo, sviscera la precarietà odierna quando si fa vita. L’autore ci fa ritrovare il gusto di soffermarci sulle cose semplici, con quella dosata e sapientemente somministrata componente di mistero che alimenta, pagina dopo pagina, la narrazione, fino alle ultime battute dell’ultimo capitolo. Link Download
Révolution Permanente Article de presse gratuit disponible Extrait Ce dimanche à Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, dans le Val-de-Marne, un homme a été abattu par la police. Ce nouvel homicide policier s’ajoute à une longue liste de violences perpétrées par les forces de répression.
Edito da Sicilia Punto L, Ragusa, Febbraio 2004, 63 p., Seconda Edizione Un giornalista di provincia, l’Appennino Ligure, un commerciante di preziosi pakistano, i cristalli di quarzo nascosti sotto la roccia, un nastro avidamente conteso che forse contiene la chiave per svelare i segreti che circondano la strage aerea sui cieli di Ustica del giugno 1980. Fughe, omicidi, angosce, tra pullman, treni e aerei, in un’atmosfera squallida e surreale, sono i fotogrammi veloci di questo romanzo. Link Download Nota dell’Archivio -Prima Edizione: 1999
France bleu Article de presse gratuit disponible Extrait Un homme de 38 ans est décédé dans la nuit du 16 au 17 novembre à l’Hôtel de police de Rouen dans le hall d’accueil du commissariat…« L’interpellation s’est révélée très compliquée en raison d’une probable consommation de stupéfiants« [indique le procureur]… Ramené au commissariat, l’individu a refusé de s’asseoir et s’est allongé sur le sol. « Quelques minutes plus tard, les policiers ont constaté qu’il ne respirait plus« .
Ens trobem en un moment dur i aterrador. Ja quasi ningú es sorprèn quan diem que la presó mata i destrueix, quan diem que és un sistema que segresta i castiga a les nostres families, amigues i veines més pobres pel fet de ser pobres o per oposar-se a aquest sistema. La presó és una venjança sàdica, que sotmet a la desatenció mèdica, on ibuprofè i aigua és recepta per a tot, on es cronifiquen malalties i lesions perfectament curables fora de la presó. Un altre exemple el trobem en la desaparició del subsidi per excarceració, fet que complica encara […]
O anúncio da nova equipe do Presidente Trump parece uma série de horror. Ou melhor, muito parecida com uma série de streaming que retrata o círculo próximo de Hitler. Um grupo que reúne gente desqualificada, muitos desequilibrados e oportunistas de toda espécie. O único traço em comum é a fidelidade canina ao líder. Terão o poder de influenciá-lo, porém jamais de contrariá-lo, mesmo diante de equívocos evidentes. Assim funciona com todo autocrata. Enquanto isso, nossa grande mídia – porta-voz das elites neocoloniais – ainda se dedica a fazer muito barulho por nada. O xingamento da esposa do presidente ao Musk […]
Le procès de l’incroyable affaire des arnaques de Christelle Doisy : retour sur ses nombreux faits d’escroquerie (Une chance pour la France)
Christelle Doisy et Frédéric Descours, « une chance pour la France » Pendant plus de vingt ans, Christelle Doisy a changé d’identité, de ville, d’apparence et de compagnon pour commettre des escroqueries. Son procès se tient ces 12 et 13 septembre au tribunal judiciaire d’Amiens. Source : https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/somme/amiens/le-proces-de-l-incroyable-affaire-des-arnaques-de-christelle-doisy-retour-sur-ses-nombreux-faits-d-escroquerie-3029162.html
Yeni Anayasanın bahsi ve Öcalan’ın Bahçeli tarafından meclise çağırılması, insanların aklına yeni bir çözüm sürecinin yaşanıp yaşanmayacağı konusunu getiriyor. İktidar ve genel olarak egemen sınıflar bunu tek çözüm yolu olarak görmekteyken, faşist kesimlerden bunun vatana ihanet olduğuna dair bağırışlar yükselmektedir. Faşistler, aynı tek çıkar yolu amansız silahlı müdahalede ararken, egemen sınıflar ise “barış” adı altında yine kendi çıkarlarını gütmektedir. İşte bu sebeptendir ki, egemen sınıfların görünürde attığı adımların gerçekte hiçbir etkisi yoktur. Aksine, ilk “çözüm sürecinde” de görülen devletin tek taraflı tavrı, aynı şekilde gelecek süreçlerde de varlığını sürdürecek gibi duruyor. Barış, tek taraflı elde edilebilecek bir mesele değildir. Kürt […]
✨FIESTA 🥀 DE LxS MUERTxS Y VIVxS 💀 Nächsten SAMSTAG, 23.11 auf a KLINGE.. Los gehts ab 19.00 mit candlelight Küfa + surprise 🐦🔥 [Raum ist rauchfrei bis zum Konzertbeginn – please respect] 20.15 Chakko club presents: Trash TV 21.00 WSD Metalpunk/ Crossover/ Lpzg 22.00 THE SORELOSERS Dirt’n Raw/ Frbrg ab 23.03 Aufgelege von Moni Love und Luri dazu gibts Solicocktailbar von und für SARAH – SEARCH AND RESCUE FOR ALL HUMANS!
Le Monde Article de presse réservé aux abonné-e-s Extrait Le montant des dépenses de sécurité, tel que celles-ci avait pu être prévues par les pouvoirs publics, n’est pas connu et n’a jamais été communiqué.Bruno Belin précise que « l’essentiel des crédits a en réalité été payé en 2024 », et que l’ampleur de la note à acquitter cette année n’avait pas forcément été anticipée à la hauteur de ce qu’elle aura été, conduisant « les deux forces à réduire certains [autres] postes de dépense ». Le paiement des loyers de la gendarmerie, par exemple, a ainsi été reporté.
[URGENT] Athens, Greece: Anarchist Comrade Nikos Romanos arrested by anti-terrorist cops (darknights)
Word comes to us from comrades in Greece that anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos has been arrested by anti-terrorist cops during an operation today in Athens and has been taken to the GADA (Athens Central Police Headquarters). All we know so far is that he has been arrested in connection with the same case involving the explosion at an apartment in the neighborhood of Ampelokipoi in Athens on 31st October. Strength and complicity comrade, you will not be left alone! DN Collective [URGENT] Call for a solidarity gathering at GADA, 9pm We are calling for a solidarity gathering with the 31-year-old […]
In der Online-Ausgabe der aktuellen Platypus Review gibt es ein ausführliches Interview mit uns: Demokratische Arbeitszeitrechnung im und für das 21. Jahrhundert. Ein Interview mit der Initiative Demokratische Arbeitszeitrechnung (IDA) aus Berlin über die Geschichte der Rätebewegung, basisdemokratisches Wirtschaften und konkrete Utopien Demokratische Arbeitszeitrechnung im und für das 21. Jahrhundert
Anarchists attack the riot police in Thessaloniki on the 51st anniversary of the 1973 student revolt (Greece) (Act for freedom now!)
17th of November is the day that the student revolt against the dictatorship – that took place in Athens, Greece in 1973 – is being commemorated. The 3days commemoration leads to a march at the streets of almost every city in Greece. Decades later the commemoration of the student revolt continues with the participation of tens of thousands all over Greece, based on the fact that the anniversary has been linked with current politics, thus taking part in it is not just an act of remembrance of what the revolted students achieved at the time, but serves as a means […]
Liberamos el libro Miss Major toma la palabra. Vida y legado de una revolucionaria trans negra, editado por Katakrak
Dia: 1 de desembre, a les 17:30h. Lloc: Llar dels jubilats, Petrés. Ordre del dia: 1 Lectura i aprovació de l’acta anterior. 2 Programació dels mercats 2025. 3 Nova incorporació a la xarxa. 4 Dinamitzar la xarxa. 5 Postura de CIBP sobre la gestió del xat de la XXIV. 6 Altres. ……………….. CONVOCATORIA DE ASAMBLEA Día: 1 de diciembre, a las 17:30h. Lugar: Llar dels jubilats, Petrés. Orden del día: 1 Lectura y aprobación del acta anterior. 2 Programación de los mercados 2025. 3 Nueva incorporación a la red. 4 Dinamizar la red. 5 Postura de CIBP sobre la gestión […]
Iraklion ,Grete : For the international day of honour and memory for the anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris (Greece) (Act for freedom now!)
As part of the international day of honour and memory for the anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris, about 50 comrades went to the port of Iraklion in Grete , where a 50-metre banner was unfurled, at the time the passenger ships for Athens were leaving Anarchists
In our previous article, the Anonymous Comrades Collective shared a document from our archives showing the cult-like 'vetting' policies that were used to screen recruits for 'Pool Parties,' the real life meet-up groups associated with the neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS.) The Pool Parties were informal, locally organised, and served as a social and friends network for white nationalists and neo-Nazis. Although ostensibly organised under a TRS umbrella, the Pool Parties were historically non-exclusive and open to members of disparate groups who shared similar racist and antisemitic views. Formed in 2020, The National Justice Party (NJP) was publically headed […]
Radio Onda d’urto / samedi 16 novembre 2024 Nous avons appris que notre camarade et amis Gino a été arrêté cette semaine en France, à Paris, en vertu d’un mandat d’arrêt européen. Son extradition est réclamée par les autorités hongroises, qui l’accusent d’être impliqué dans les éventements survenus à Budapest en février 2023, lors d’une mobilisation antifasciste qui s’opposait à la dite « Journée de l’honneur », célébrée par des néonazis. Il est actuellement détenu à la prison de Fresnes, en attente de la décision d’un juge français sur son extradition.
Athens : 16th of November A memorial video for the dead anarchist fighter and beloved comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris. (Act for freedom now!)
October 31 forever etched in the hearts of every fighter. With rage and determination we stand by our comrades. A memorial video for the dead anarchist fighter and beloved comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris. HANDS OFF ANARCHIST COMRADE MARIANNA KYRIAKOS XYMITIRIS IS ONE OF US, FOREVER WITH US ON THE PATHS OF FIRE FREEDOM TO COMRADE DIMITRIS AND ANARCHIST COMRADE DIMITRA Assembly of Solidarity for the imprisoned, fugitive and persecuted fighters Translated by Act for freedom now!
Allarme Rosso 15/Biden autorizza Kiev a usare i missili Usa a lungo raggio contro la Russia (Coordinamenta femminista e lesbica di collettivi e singole - Roma)
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden, nonostante e proprio perchè uscente, si è affrettato ad autorizzare per la prima volta l’Ucraina a usare i missili americani a lungo raggio contro la Russia. Lo riportano i media americani.
BARCELONA – Banner for Kyriakos X. , Marianna M., and the imprisoned comrades Dimitra and Dimitris (Act for freedom now!)
As a small sign of solidarity with the anarchist comrade Marianna, the imprisoned comrades Dimitra and Dimitris, and in memory of the anarchist comrade Kyriakos, we hung a banner at the anarchist place “La Revoltosa” in the city of Barcelona. Comrades we are with you! OUR RAGE TRANSCENDS ALL BORDERS AND DISTANCES SOLIDARITY WITH THE ARRESTED COMRADES DIMITRA AND DIMITRIS MARIANNA STRONG UNTIL FREEDOM. COMRADE KYRIAKOS ALWAYS BY OUR SIDE ON THE PATHS OF STRUGGLE, FIRE AND INSURRECTION Comrades in Barcelona via: athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!
Le 9 novembre à Bologne, des affrontements ont éclaté entre la police anti-émeute et des manifestant·e·s lors d’une marche antifasciste. Cette mobilisation avait lieu à proximité d’une manifestation d’extrême droite, organisée par des groupes tels que CasaPound et Rete dei Patrioti (Réseau des Patriotes), dénonçant la « criminalité » et ce qu’ils qualifient de « dégradation » de l’Italie.