
Un tristissimo Primo maggio (la Parma che rompe gli argini)
di Cristina Quintavalla Mentre me ne tornavo dal corteo, stringevo forte il garofano rosso tra le mani. Ero incupita, forse qualche lacrima mi è pure scappata. Avendo molti lustri sulle spalle, mi è diventato insopportabile assistere allo scempio che è stato fatto della forza e della conflittualità del mondo del lavoro.
Diffondiamo: LEDA RAFANELLI, “PRIMO MAGGIO” (Opuscolo, 16 PAG, copertina cartonata) Stampato a Firenze attorno al 1907, questo elaborato della scrittrice e militante anarchica Leda Rafanelli è una feroce critica allo snaturamento della giornata del Primo Maggio: da momento di lotta e sfida alle classi dominanti a “Pasqua” festiva dimentica degli eventi che hanno portato a scontrarsi sulle pubbliche piazze con la sbirraglia e a morire sulle forche della reazione governativa e padronale per quelle conquiste che oggi si danno per scontate o son già perdute. Incitare nuovamente all’odio di classe contro i governanti e i padroni, e le loro leggi, […]
Words and History Mean Things: A Response to “Addicted to Losing” (Bash Back News)
Most of what comes out in the text “Addicted to Losing” is not new. Black anarchists and anti-authoritarians have been critiquing black non-profits, Black academics, Black activists and black authoritarians for years before the 2020 uprising. Black anarchists who have been active PRIOR to 2020 have been deeply aware of these critiques, mainly based on their experiences. We are unsure how connected the author is to Black anti-authoritarians but, best believe Black anarchists been having these conversations. There has been so much talk over the past four years about Black counter insurgency. It is important to recognize that Black revolutionaries […]
Security Cams Down at Philly Bash Back! (Bash Back News)
Dear philly faggots, Thxx so much for the great time this weekend! While we were visiting we saw those cameras on the power lines by Bartram North and decided to take a few down with some girth tails and a 4lb hammer. A big ladder would also have worked. Sorry we didn’t get them all, but we’ll get the rest next time! Until then, shapeshifters
Balagoon Boxing Club Zine (Bash Back News)
Zine-Imposed PDF Reading PDF
20 Parking Pay Stations Sabotaged for Rosebud and People's Park (unravel)
April 24, 2024 Under a hazy April moon we sabotaged 20 City of Berkeley and UC Berkeley parking pay stations by filling them with expanding construction foam. We made sure that the foam got deep inside the machines so they would be as damaged as possible. This is our most recent contribution to the legacy […]
Why We Don’t Make Demands: Reading and Discussion (Philly Anti-Capitalist)
from Instagram TOMORROW at the occupation at UPenn! [A brief piece offering an alternative strategy to traditional campaign-building. One where diversity in viewpoints and autonomy of action can flourish. Thursday, May 2nd Behind B.Franklin Statue 3405 Woodland Walk Zine distro @ 6pm Discussion @ 7pm Read online here or below:]
Avril 2024 (trucs à pomodoro)
les micro-nouvelles écrites pour le #writever de @k_tastrof, « 1 jour, 1 mot, 1 texte de science-fiction🚀, fantastique👻, ou fantasy🗡️, En thread et avec #writever pour être repéré·es », en moins de 500 caractères (quand j’ai pas triché). Ce mois-ci j’étais pas hyper inspiré par le thème, « le temps file et nous manque », vu que je suis pas trop fichu de le gérer ce temps, justement, j’ai plutôt tendance à le fuir, alors je me suis rajouté la contrainte de ne faire que des dialogues (sauf le jour où j’ai oublié) pour palier au fait que, des fois, … Continue reading
Security Cams Down at Philly Bash Back! (Philly Anti-Capitalist)
from Bash Back News Dear philly faggots, Thxx so much for the great time this weekend! While we were visiting we saw those cameras on the power lines by Bartram North and decided to take a few down with some girth tails and a 4lb hammer. A big ladder would also have worked. Sorry we didn’t get them all, but we’ll get the rest next time! Until then, shapeshifters
(Chile) 8 de Mayo – Memoria Anticarcelaria, recordando al compañero Mauricio Morales (Informativo Anarquista)
En un nuevo Mayo Negro, a 15 años de la muerte del compañero anárquico Mauricio Morales, intentado atacar con un artefacto explosivo la escuela de carceleros. En un guiño de memoria por los 81 presos asesinados por el estado en el incendio de la cárcel de San Miguel. Buscando contribuir a la expansión de la memoria y vida guerrera de Mauri, es que se realizará esta nueva jornada frente a la cárcel de San Miguel, ahí donde camina el enemigo y continúan encerrando vidas. Nos acompañarán con su música, lxs compañerxs Viejo Ted, Flor del Kaos y Dirty Lepra. Lxs […]
(Chile) Agitación contra el narcotráfico, el estado y la policía (Informativo Anarquista)
Recibido al mail 29 de marzo 2024 Algunxs Anarquistas nos coordinamos en las periferias de Santiago; Cerro Navia, La victoria, Villa Francia… En esta fecha de dolor y rabia, de memoria y también de acción asumimos el camino de la confrontación con el poder y quienes lo sostienen. Desde los años 80s somos testigxs como generaciones de jóvenes pobladores, de como lxs marginadxs caen en las redes del consumo de drogas y por ende en las lógicas y dinámicas que este mundo conlleva. No dudamos ni un segundo en apuntar como responsables de esto al poder y sus múltiples tentáculos […]
Tragedy, Sacrifice, and Radical Politics (unravel)
Our friends will die. So will we. Our deaths are inevitable. The questions of when and how we die, however, are uncertain. Silenus, the tutor of Dionysus, teaches us to die as soon as possible, given that we've already been born. If we accept his tutelage, immediate suicide is the best course of action. Camus […]
Κάλεσμα στήριξης της κινητοποίηση απ’ την Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση Υπεράσπισης Λόφου Στρέφη (Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση Υπεράσπισης Πάρκου Δρακόπουλου)
Στηρίζουμε την κινητοποίηση της Ανοιχτής Συνέλευσης Υπεράσπισης του Πάρκου Δρακόπουλου, στις 17 Μάη, ενάντια στην επέλαση των επενδυτών στα Πατήσια, με όχημα πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις – πάρτι της σύμπραξης επιχειρηματιών του τουρισμού This is Athens. Στη σύμπραξη αυτή έχουμε αναφερθεί παλιότερα ( και θα επανέλθουμε αναλυτικά. Προς το παρόν, αντιγράφουμε από την ιστοσελίδα τους έναν από τους σκοπούς τους: Destination Development Planning and investment for long-term visitor growth Urban regeneration and interventions to upgrade the image of Athens, including green building, street furniture, and street lighting Reviving vacant spaces and stimulating commercial activity by supporting pop-up shops, with a focus on […]
Volvic (Puy-de-Dôme) : « Extractivisme de l’eau ? Nan mais à l’eau quoi » (Sans nom)
Puy-de-Dôme: une usine Volvic cible d’un incendie criminel BFM/La Montagne, 1er mai 2024 L’usine de la Société des eaux de Volvic sera à l’arrêt forcé certainement jusqu’à la fin de semaine, si ce n’est davantage : ses installations ont été la cibles d’un acte de malveillance dans la nuit de mardi 30 avril à mercredi 1er mai. Les dégâts occasionnés par l’incendie volontaire contre un bâtiment technique d’une vingtaine de mètres carrés ont affecté le système électrique de la chaîne de production. Le local est modeste de dimensions, mais les dégâts sont importants : ils empêchent l’usine de tourner.  Que […]
Südheise (Allemagne) : le patron de l’industrie de guerre a un nom… et une adresse (Sans nom)
[La nuit de dimanche à lundi 29 avril, vers 4h du matin, la cabane en bois de Armin Papperger a été incendiée dans sa résidence secondaire, à Südheide (Basse-Saxe). Ce type n’est pas n’importe qui, puisqu’il est le directeur du groupe d’armement Rheinmetall, un des plus grands conglomérats du complexe militaro-industriel allemand. Cette attaque incendiaire directement sur la propriété du sanglant patron, a été revendiquée quelques heures plus tard sur de.indymedia, dont on trouvera une traduction du communiqué ci-dessous.] Incendie contre Armin Papperger – Switch Off Rheinmetall « Avec le changement d’époque et la guerre en Europe, une nouvelle ère […]
Pressemitteilung – Bündnis zur Revolutionären 1. Mai Demonstration spricht von 95 Verletzten durch Polizei-Gewalt und einer politisch motivierten Polizeistrategie (Revolutionärer 1. Mai Stuttgart)
Rund 1.000 Menschen haben sich heute Mittag an der Revolutionären 1. Mai-Demonstration in Stuttgart beteiligt. „Zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt wissen wir von 95 verletzten Personen durch Angriffe der Polizei“, sagt Kim Northeim, Sprecherin des Bündnisses „Für einen revolutionären 1. Mai in Stuttgart“. Dabei sei es insbesondere zu Prellungen durch den Einsatz von Schlagstöcken sowie zu  Augen- und Hautreizungen durch Pfefferspray gekommen. Die Demonstration unter dem Motto „Zeit für einen neuen Aufbruch – Gegen Krieg, Faschismus und Ausbeutung“ war ohne Zwischenfälle vom Karlsplatz in Richtung Stuttgart-Süd gestartet. „Am Anfang der Tübinger Straße stoppte die Polizei unsere Demo und setzte ohne Vorwarnung Schlagstöcke und große […]
La Griet@ #10 (CATL)
Voces Anarquistas #10
Παρέμβαση στα Jumbo 1/5 (Ανάρες - Ομάδα Δράσης & Αλληλεγγύης)
Σήμερα , 1/5, με αφορμή την ημέρα εργατικής πρωτομαγιάς πραγματοποιήθηκε συγκέντρωση/παρέμβαση στο κατάστημα Jumbo στην οδό 26ης Οκτωβρίου 43. Παρακάτω είναι το κείμενο που μοιράστηκε στην παρέμβαση : Άλλη μια εργατική πρωτομαγιά, που παρά την ιστορική της σημασία ως ορόσημο των ταξικών αγώνων, βρίσκει τα μαγαζιά ανοιχτά με τα αφεντικά να πλουτίζουν και τις εργαζόμενες να δουλεύουν σε άθλιες συνθήκες στα σύγχρονα εργασιακά κάτεργα. Ένα από αυτά, η Jumbo, μία από τις μεγαλύτερες και πιο γνωστές ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις, μετράει εδώ και χρόνια δεκάδες καταγγελίες από τους εργαζομένους της. Πετσοκομμενοι μισθοί, ελαστικά ωράρια και αναγκαστικές μεταθέσεις σε καταστήματα άλλων πόλεων χωρίς […]
La repressione non fermerà le lotte. Alla repressione rispondiamo con la lotta. All’alba del 22 aprile 2024, la Digos di Torino eseguiva 19 misure cautelari nei confronti di altrettante/i compagni/e accusati/e, insieme a molti/e altri/e, a vario titolo, di devastazione e saccheggio, violenza e minaccia a pubblico ufficiale, resistenza e istigazione a delinquere. Il tutto con numerose aggravanti e incorniciato dall’ormai noto strumento repressivo del concorso. I fatti imputati risalgono al corteo che si è svolto a Torino il 4 marzo 2023 contro il 41 bis e l’ergastolo ostativo in solidarietà ad Alfredo Cospito in sciopero della fame. Quel momento […]
Ansarallah Reports “Open Naval Warfare” Against American Imperialist Forces (Abolition Media)
Yemeni naval sources told Al-Akhbar that the military tension between the Yemeni Armed Forces and the American and British navies has escalated to the highest levels over the past 48 hours, describing it as an “open naval war.” Numerous explosions were reported off the coasts of Khokha, Mokha, and Khor Omaira, across the Bab Al-Mandab strait. Commercial ship traffic was stopped for hours because of the clashes. Another naval source in Sanaa revealed to Al-Akhbar that “the Yemeni naval operations carried out in recent hours bear significant implications and reflect the extent of the military capabilities of the Sanaa forces.” […]
CUNY Workers Announce Wildcat Sick Out in Response to Pig Repression (Abolition Media)
In the evening of Tuesday, April 30, hundreds of New York Police Department (NYPD) officers from precincts all over New York City assembled in Harlem to raid both Columbia University and the City College of New York. The university presidents had invited the police force onto campus to forcibly remove the Gaza Solidarity Encampments at each school and the students at Columbia occupying “Hind’s Hall,” normally known as Hamilton Hall but renamed by student activists after a 6-year-old girl in Gaza who was killed by Israel tanks while surrounded by her dead family members in their car. The schools are […]
only cash (anarchistische boekenbeurs gent)
Op de boekenbeurs kan je enkel met cash betalen, er zijn geen bankautomaten in de buurt! At the book fair, you can only pay in cash, there are no ATMs nearby!
13 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Guerrilla Action in Metina (Abolition Media)
The Press Centre of the People’s Defence Forces (HPG) issued a statement on the ongoing war in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). According to the statement, 13 soldiers were killed in Metîna. In Xakurke, three civilians from East Kurdistan/Iran were killed in a Turkish air raid, and further troops of the Iraqi army have been stationed in Heftanîn. Regarding the latest actions by the guerrillas and attacks by the Turkish army, HPG provided the following details: “Metîna region; The guerrillas carried out a coordinated two-flank attack on a Turkish invasion force in the Metîna region […]
Solidaritätskampagne „Für eine Welt ohne Faschisten“ & Aufruf zur solidarischen Prozessbegleitung (Rote Hilfe e.V. | OG München)
Hier geht es zur Seite der Solidaritätskampagne – Für eine Welt ohne Faschisten Was ist passiert?  Am 17.10.2022 fand im „Eine Welt-Haus“ in München der Vortrag „Reise nach Germania – Von Fuxen, Burschen, Alten Herren“. Der Referent  lebte selbst in einer katholischen Verbindung in Hannover. Nach seinem Austritt bewarb er sich zu Recherchezwecken in weiteren Burschenschaften. Der Vortrag fasst seine Erfahrungen zusammen. Er klärt über die rassistische, antifeministische und rechte Ideologie von Burschenschaften auf. Mit seinem Vortrag macht er sich zu ihrem Feind. Dass Internas nach außen dringen, gefällt Burschenschaften gar nicht. Sie schaden ihrem Image als scheinbar neutrale Vereinigung […]
Manifest 1r de maig. La Corda + Assemblea Antiespecista (La Corda)
DFLP National Resistance Brigades Statement on Resistance in Gaza (Abolition Media)
Our forces are targeting enemy positions and their gatherings in northern Gaza Strip and the central governorate with artillery and rocket shelling. Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for the “Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces” (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement announcing the successful targeting by the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces of enemy positions and gatherings in various parts of the Gaza Strip, inflicting heavy losses in personnel and equipment. The details are as follows: Firstly: The Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces managed to launch a batch of heavy mortar shells at “israeli” enemy […]
Italie : La Cassation a confirmé les condamnations à 23 ans pour Alfredo et à 17 ans et 9 mois pour Anna (Attaque)
La Nemesi / lundi 29 avril 2024 La Cassation a confirmé les condamnations à 23 ans et à 17 ans et 9 mois pour Alfredo Cospito et Anna Beniamino, dans le procès Scripta Manent Note de La Nemesi : dans l’attente de plus de réflexions, nous diffusons une première, brève, mise à jour, qui a circulé le 24 avril, à la suite de la ratification, de la part de la Cour de cassation, des condamnations des anarchistes Alfredo Cospito et Anna Beniamino, dans le cadre du procès Scripta Manent (le Parquet avait encore une fois demandé des peines de 27 ans […]
Communique From Autonomous UCLA Students After Zionist Attacks on Night Six of Palestinian Solidarity Encampment (Abolition Media)
We are a coalition of autonomous affinity groups and frustrated security leadership members in the UCLA encampment dedicated to the Palestinian resistance. We are inspired by the encampments all over the country and the UCLA camp specifically, and are honored to be in community building this space with our comrades. However, we are also frustrated with shit going down and hope to put this out for others who feel the same in the camp or students who feel similar in other encampments across the globe. The following is just a few points we feel are important to express, especially following […]
Bélarus : Six membres du groupe anarchiste « Rossignols noirs » arrêté.es (Attaque) / mardi 30 avril 2024 Comme on a pu le voir dans une vidéo de propagande, publiée par les médias d’État sur YouTube, des anarchistes du groupe « Rossignols noirs » (Черные соловьи) ont été arrêté.es il y a plusieurs mois, au Bélarus. Selon la version du régime, ils/elles prévoyaient d’attaquer l’infrastructure de l’État et de saboter le soutien à l’armée russe en Biélorussie. La liste des membres du groupe comprend Maria Misyuk, Trofim Barysau, Sergey Zhigalyou, Dmitry Zahoroshko, Anastasia Klimenka et Aleksandra Pulinovich. En connaissant le comportement du régime biélorusse envers les anarchistes, nous croyons, jusqu’à preuve du […]
Agenda mai 2024 (Les ami.e.s de May)
Les permanences du local des ami-e-s de May ont lieu le mardi et jeudi de 15h à 17h. Et toujours des rdv réguliers au local autogéré: Permanence de la BAF (Bibliothèque Anarchiste.S et Féministe.S) – Tous les 1ers samedi du mois de 14h à 17h  (4/05) Permanence du Collectif Urgence Sociale (aides sociales, administratives et juridiques). Les mercredis de 11h à 16h. Une juriste présente le matin. Collectif Urgence Sociale – Réunion les lundis de 18h à 20h . Collectif NON au SNU (Service National Universel) – Réunion le 2e mercredi 18h (pas de rdv en mai) Queer’Amann – Permanence […]
HKI: Vappu 2024 (Punalippu)
Tuhannet ihmiset kokoontuivat Helsingin työväen vappumarssille, jonka järjestivät SAK, SDP ja Vasemmistoliitto. Perinteisen ammattiyhdistysväen lisäksi marssilla oli suuri, näkyvä ja kuuluva Palestiina-blokki, joka erottui ylitsepursuavalla innostuksellaan myönteisesti ja ajoi Palestiinan vapautusliikkeen sanoman kaikkien marssijoiden tietoisuuteen. Tästä huolimatta opportunistit eivät antaneet mitään sijaa Palestiinan vapautusliikkeelle, vaan keskittyivät ahtaisiin kotimaisiin kysymyksiin.
Restauration statt Neukauf: Stadtfahrrad (ersatzraum)
Zu aufwendig für einen Samstagnachmittag, aber genau unser Ding: Fahrradrestauration. Adrians aktuelles Projekt. Ich kann mich wirklich nicht beklagen, kein funktionierendes Fahrrad zu haben. 5 Stück zählt die Sammlung im Moment und nimmt meinen kompletten Keller in Beschlag. Aber mit Abstand am meisten genutzt ist mein Stadt-, Bahnhofs- und Alltagsrad. Und das sieht man auch.   Ich hatte immer wieder kleine Reparaturen vorgenommen: Kette geölt, Rostestellen punktuell geschliffen und lackiert um den Verfall zu verzögern. Aber das reicht nicht für einen dauerhaften Erhalt. Also habe ich mir ein neues Ziel gesetzt: Das Rad komplett neu aufbauen und den Rahmen neu […]
Primo Maggio (Iene Anarchiche)
Il lavoratore a giornata è colui che vive di un salario e non ha altri mezzi di sussistenza che la vendita del suo lavoro ora per ora, giorno per giorno, anno dopo anno. Il suo lavoro è tutta la sua proprietà: non possiede altro che la sua forza e le sue mani. Di quei sedici milioni di lavoratori a giornata solo nove milioni sono uomini; i restanti sono donne e bambini. Se calcoliamo ora che ogni famiglia si compone di cinque persone, quei nove milioni di operai rappresentano quarantacinque milioni di individui di tutta la nostra popolazione. Ebbene, tutta questa […]
Eindrücke von revolutionären 1. Mai 2024 (Antikapitalistische Linke München)
+++Mehrere Hundert in klassenkämpferischem Bereich auf Gewerkschaftsdemo, gemeinsam mit Beschäftigten aus Sozial- und Gesundheitsbereich+++Breite Beteiligung an Kampagne „Gegen Aufrüstung und Waffenlieferungen“+++Revolutionäre Demo mit ca. 1800 Teilnehmenden+++Aktionen gegen FDP-Büro; in Solidarität mit Untergetauchten/Gefangenen und mit internationalen Kämpfen gegen Krieg und Unterdrückung+++Massives Bullenaufgebot schüchtert Demo nicht ein+++Revolutionäres 1. Mai Fest in der Glockenbachwerkstatt+++ Ein ausführlicher Bericht folgt …
Würde könnte (jos new blog)
Ich höre mal wieder 99 zu 1 auf youtube. Dass ihre Klickzahlen steigen, ist natürlich schade. Don’t feed the troll. Vielleicht ist in einer Phrase gleichzeitig der Aufstieg, die kommende Stagnation und die generelle Wertlosigkeit solcher Heinis angelegt: “Da könnte man dann kritisieren, dass” “Dazu würde ich ja sagen, dass” Sie führen keinen Dialog, kritisieren niemanden, sondern sie stellen sich und dem Publikum einen Dialog vor, in dem dann die vorgestellten Argumente angebracht werden könnten. Na und?   Erstens wird ein Konsens vorgelebt. Sie sind mit sich selber ganz im Reinen – oder sie wecken den Anschein. Der Anschein ist […]
Buon compleanno O.P. JOLLY ROGER!  Sabato 18 Maggio alle ore 22 festeggiamo i 16 anni dello spazio , non mancare 😉     SPETTACOLO DRAG QUEEN CON: ✺ SASHA USX ✺ ✺ MENTAL BREAKDOWN✺   LIVE ON STAGE: ✺ HENRYK & JULIO ✺ ✺ CRUZIO ✺ ✺ VIKTOR ✺ ✺ WADE ✺ ✺ DJ INOTION ✺ ✺ DINOTEK ✺ ✺ CT168BB ✺ ✺ MAYFORD FOX ✺ ✺ IKEACORE ✺   ✴︎ Sostieni gli spazi autogestiti della tua città ✴︎   OFFICINA POPOLARE JOLLY ROGER  Civitanova Marche (MC) Zona industriale A Contrada piane di chienti 60 BUS atac linea 7 ✴︎ Andata […]
El domingo, 5 de mayo, participación de Familias frente a la crueldad carcelaria en EL I Encontro do Libro Anarquista, en A Coruña (Familias frente a la crueldad carcelaria)
Hace sólo dos días, el 29 de abril, terminó la primera ronda de nuestro llamamiento a la solidaridad económica. Gracias a 78 donantes y, especialmente, a algunos grupos, de todo el territorio dominado por el Estado español, que nos han apoyado, acogiéndonos en sus locales y jornadas, hemos conseguido un poco más de 8000 euros, unos 2000 más del mínimo necesario para poder seguir adelante. Con eso respiramos más tranquilas, pues tenemos asegurada la economía para el presente y el futuro inmediato de nuestra actividad. Todo lo que venga a partir de ahora servirá para ampliar nuestra perspectiva de futuro. […]
PRIMO MAGGIO di Leda Rafanelli (Piccoli Fuochi Vagabondi)
Il testo che facciamo seguire, preceduto da una breve presentazione nostra, è disponibile anche in versione opuscolo, ordinabile presso la distribuzione a cui ci appoggiamo. Ricordiamo che i ricavi (di tutto il nostro materiale), tolte le spese, vanno a sostegno della Cassa Antirepressione Capitano A.C.A.B. per compagnx inguaiatx con la legge. Un valido motivo, ci sembra, per ordinare le vostre copie cartacee.
Presentazione “Navigare a vista” a Verona (Navighiamo a vista)
L’internet fai da te 🙂 Report di questo evento: L’incontro è andato bene. Erano presenti genti di Radio Eustachio ed i produttori del mercatino autogestito del campo sportivo Gigi Piccoli, più diverse persone curiose. Il luogo è un bel parchetto con tensostruttura al coperto e baracchina/bar a fianco di un campo da calcio sotto le mura di Verona. Secondo me la presentazione ha avuto effetto anche perchè in alcuni casi i presenti sapevano di chi stavamo parlando, nel senso che il progetto appenninico di NINUX supporta la comunità agroecologica di Campiaperti e molti banchi del mercatino di autoproduzioni […]
Invitation à la Foire des zines anarchistes 2024 de Montréal (Canada) (Act for freedom now!)
Our weapons are courage and beautiful ideas. Every year in May, the blossoming of spring invites anarchists to reflect upon subversive ideas and practices, from throughout history to present day. Total destruction of all authority is the project that sets our hearts on fire. We are wary of political strategies, and instead propose an anarchy wherein the means and ends are coherent, without waiting for the ‘right moment’, without compromise. The fight for freedom is infinite, a constant which spans numerous lifetimes, and with endless possiblities. Only through permanent conflict will we create spaces where we can breathe (together) for […]
Athens,Greece: On an international day of action in solidarity with the arrested comrade D.Klette and comrades E.Staub and B.Garweg, who are persecuted as members of the RAF. (Act for freedom now!)
On Sunday, 14/4, responding to the call of the International Red Aid on an international day of action in solidarity with the arrested comrade D.Klette and comrades E.Staub and B.Garweg, who are persecuted as members of the RAF, we held a solidarity gathering outside the German embassy. The gathering lasted about an hour, with the comrades that participated shouting slogans. The banner was opened on Loukianou Street and leaflets were distributed. The text of the intervention:
Greece: 15 Athens Economic Blockade for Palestine, Statement for April 15th (Act for freedom now!)
Monday April 15th We are an initiative of people in Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and we denounce the genocide of the Palestinian people perpetrated by the colonial state of Israel. The tactics of the Israeli army are among the most horrific and inhumane ever seen- the indiscriminate air strikes, the consistant humiliation and starvation,the bombardment of hospitals and camps -, and they confirm with certainty the historic will of the apartheid regime of Israel to annihilate Palestine and the Palestinian people, which began with the “Catastrophe”/”Naqba” in 1948 and led to the displacement of 7.6 million Palestinians, the majority […]
Fiery Demo at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School (Chile) (Act for freedom now!)
March 30, 2024 / informativoanarquista Wednesday March 27th the comrades of Manuel Barros Borgoño High School leave to cut San Diego, on the eve of the day of the youth combatant, using a grinder to open the 3 locks with soldered boxes in one of the gates that give access to the street. The raised barricades and threw molotovs at the Carabineros (COP).
Единый антизападный фронт: общее и разъединяющее в оси Китай-Россия-Иран (liberadio)
Йахади Эбади и Мориц Пичевски-Фраймут, 18.2.24 Бряцание саблями Иранские беспилотники используются в российском вторжении в Украину, а Китай играет при этом роль молчаливого соучастника. Роль Исламской Республики как организатора покушения на Израиль 7-го октября 2023 г. неоспорима. ХАМАС – суннитское пушечное мясо мулл, а «Хезболла» – их длинная рука в Ливане. Через две недели после «чёрной субботы» Москва приняла делегацию ХАМАС. Не только российское, но и высококачественное китайское оборудование находится в руках ХАМАС. До сих пор китайская компартия не выступила с чётким осуждением этой кровавой бойни. Вместо этого в Китае процветает антисемитская пропаганда. Через несколько дней после нападения ХАМАСа в […]
Attack on West Side REMAX Offices ( Olympia,USA ) (Act for freedom now!)
On the night of March 15th under the cover of darkness and the loving gaze of the moon and stars, a group of anarchists gathered to attack one of the many manifestations of our enemies – police, property, genocide and apartheid states. We discussed various possible targets – settling on the west side offices for REMAX at 211 Kenyon St – talked dispersal routes and other such things, shared party favors, donned the black masks and headed off. We walked confidently and quietly to the target, foraging for rocks on the way – though still we found our selves wishing […]
Call to Action and Propaganda 15 Years After the Death of Anarchist Comrade Mauricio Morales (Act for freedom now!)
April 12, 2024 / informativoanarquista “Before sleeping I embrace chaos as the idea that liberates my body and my mind because when all is said and done it makes me feel alive. I don’t want to search for the grail that emanates freedom in future societies. My fingers search for the bloody flight of destruction of the chains of rhythmic fire, of the closeby fire of power and of its bosses. And when sleeping my actions move towards tomorrow when waking up, I’ll break with routine and in individual action with my chest as a stone swollen by destruction of […]
After 16 Years of Prison: Words of Marcelo Villarroel -Chile (Act for freedom now!)
After 16 Years of Prison: Words of Marcelo Villarroel informativoanarquista This past March 15 marked 16 years of uninterupted prison, since I was detained in San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén province, territory occupied by the argentine state, while fleeing a search and arrest warrant from the chilean state. The cases that encouraged that moment of clandestinity and which were spread profusely at the time have already been fulfilled: I was sentenced to 14 years for two bank robberies. This date was met December 16 of last year, counted from December 16, 2009, the moment I was extradited from argentinian […]
L’11 maggio si avvicina (Vag61 - Spazio Libero Autogestito)
Mancano dieci giorni alla prima tappa pubblica del Laboratorio Bologna, un primo momento di discussione e intreccio di analisi, sguardi, rivendicazioni, dentro e oltre la città di Bologna. In attesa di pubblicare il programma completo della giornata con tutte le info utili, vi consigliamo la lettura di questa prima inchiesta sulle nuove forme del lavoro oggi in diffusione, e sulle relative nuove possibilità di lotta. In Italia un lavoratore su otto vive in una famiglia con reddito insufficiente a coprire i propri fabbisogni di base e l’effetto della povertà lavorativa, misurato dal punto di vista familiare, è cresciuto di tre […]
Newsletter Mai 2024 (Initiative Demokratische Arbeitszeitrechnung)
Wie jeden Monat möchten wir einige Aktivitäten und Neuigkeiten mit euch teilen: Alle Artikel aus der Diskussionsreihe der Jungle World über Arbeitszeitrechnung von 2023 haben wir jetzt in einer Broschüre zusammengefasst und mit einem Vorwort versehen. Definitiv lesenswert, um sich einen Überblick über die Diskussion zu verschaffen! Mit Beiträgen von Felix Klopotek, Philip Broistedt & Christian Hofmann, Julian Bierwirth, Simon Sutterlütti, Jonna Klick, Hermann Lueer, unserer Wenigkeit und Hannes Giessler Furlan. Hier könnt ihr die Broschüre als pdf herunterladen. Wir erinnern daran, dass wir am 15. Mai mit Dario Azzellini über „Rätedemokratie und gesellschaftliche Selbstorganisation“ im Café Kotti diskutieren. Alle…
A muchos europeos les gustaría volver a tener una Europa competitiva, un actor diplomático más que militar. Por Alastair Crooke, 29 de abril de 2024 Theodore Postol, catedrático de Ciencia, Tecnología y Política de Seguridad Nacional del MIT, ha realizado un análisis forense de los vídeos y las pruebas del ataque iraní del 13 de abril con un enjambre de drones y misiles contra Israel: Un “mensaje”, más que un “ataque”. El principal diario israelí, Yediot Ahoronot, ha estimado el coste de intentar derribar esta flotilla iraní entre 2.000 y 3.000 millones de dólares. Las implicaciones de esta única […]