
Hier soir, vendredi 26 avril, France Info titrait « Après avoir envahi l’ARS en septembre, une dizaine de défenseurs de l’hôpital de Carhaix reçoivent des convocations pour une garde à vue à Quimper ». En effet, selon des informations de France Bleu Breizh Izel, confirmé par le quotidien régional Ouest-France, une dizaine de défenseureuses de l’hôpital public de Carhaix, dont plusieurs syndicalistes et militant·es politiques, seront convoqué·es au commissariat de Quimper mi-mai. Cela fait suite à l’occupation des locaux de l’ARS (Agence Régionale de Santé) à Quimper le 14 septembre dernier par une soixantaine de manifestant·es et aux plaintes déposées…
Affrontement avec les policiers : 830 travailleurs de l’industrie du textile poursuivis en justice (Bangladesh) (Le Bulletin international)
La police industrielle de Narayanganj a poursuivi hier 830 travailleurs du secteur de la confection pour avoir attaqué la police et vandalisé des véhicules, entre autres, lors d’un affrontement le 21 avril. L’affrontement a eu lieu entre la police et les travailleurs d’Abanti Colour Tex Ltd, une usine de vêtements du groupe Crony à BSCIC à Fatullah de Narayanganj, lorsque les travailleurs manifestaient pour réclamer des arriérés de salaire. Au moins 10 membres de la police et 50 travailleurs ont été blessés lors de l’affrontement, dont deux travailleurs touchés par des balles. Rafikul Islam, sous-inspecteur de la police industrielle 4 […]
Als Antifas zum 1. Mai: Für einen klassenkämpferischen Antifaschismus! (OTFR)
Am 1. Mai gehen Arbeiter*innen seit über 100 Jahren für bessere Lebens- und Arbeitsbedienungen und gegen das Elend des Kapitalismus auf die Straße. Als klassenkämpferische Antifaschist*innen stehen auch wir in der Tradition dieses Tages und beteiligen uns am ersten Mai in Tübingen und rufen zur Beteiligung am Klassenkampf-Block auf der DGB-Demo auf. Die aktuelle Rechtsentwicklung kommt nicht aus dem Nichts, sondern ist Resultat der vielen kapitalistischen Krisen, von denen eine gerade auf die andere folgt. Die Folgen von Krisen und Krieg tragen wir, die lohnabhängige Klasse: Das Gesundheitssystem wird zusammengespart, Geld für soziale Einrichtungen wird an allen Ecken und Enden […]
Grève des enseignants brésiliens contre les mesures libérales du gouvernement Lula (Le Bulletin international)
Depuis le début du mois de mars, les travailleurs des établissements fédéraux d’enseignement sont en grève au Brésil, contestant l’affirmation du gouvernement du président Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Parti des travailleurs – PT) selon laquelle « il n’y a pas d’argent » pour l’enseignement public. Le mouvement de grève a été lancé le 11 mars par les employés de 66 universités fédérales. Il a été suivi le 3 avril par les enseignants et le personnel de 522 unités fédérales d’enseignement général, professionnel et technologique et le 15 avril par les enseignants de 31 universités fédérales. Il s’agit de la […]
Coupes nettes dans les emplois de la production de véhicules (USA) (Le Bulletin international)
  L’entreprise londonienne CNH Industrial a licencié quelque 220 travailleurs le 1er avril dans l’usine de tracteurs Case de Mount Pleasant, dans le sud-est du Wisconsin, près de Racine. Près de 220 des quelque 660 travailleurs de l’usine ont reçu un avis de « licenciement pour une durée indéterminée ». Ces licenciements interviennent plus d’un an après que les Travailleurs unis de l’automobile (UAW) ont fait passer en toute vitesse un contrat au rabais, mettant fin à une grève de près de neuf mois menée par quelque 1 100 travailleurs de l’industrie des équipements agricoles et de construction à Racine, […]
CREMONA – Ci giunge notizia di un cassonetto andato a fuoco, di vetrine imbrattate e di scritte per le strade. 🔥🖤 “No alle deportazioni di migranti in Albania “25 Aprile non in piazza con gli sbirri”, “Cremona antifascista”.
verso il corteo “disarmiamo la fiocchi” (Affilare le armi della conoscenza)
FLI*NTA Freitag im Mai (Links vom Inn)
Freitag, 3.5 FLI*NTA Freitag ab 19:00 Wir schauen mal wieder einen Hexen Film wuhu! Es gibt veganes Abendessen und Snacks, wir freuen uns auf euch <3 Friday, 3.5 FLI*NTA Friday from 19:00 We’re watching a witch movie again wuhu! There will be vegan dinner and snacks, we look forward to seeing you <3 jeden 1. Freitag im Monat ist im Café Lotta FLI*NTA Freitag! FLI*NTA steht für Frauen, Lesben, inter*, nonbinary, trans, agender Personen
Palestinian Resistance in Tact, Working on Rafah Ambush; Regional Actions Persist (Abolition Media)
Zionist media outlets reported on Saturday that the situation in the Gaza envelope “has returned to pre-October 7,” affirming that occupation officials’ promises to “eliminate” the Resistance and achieve imminent victory are “completely detached from reality.” Occupation Channel 13 stated that officials “pledged to eliminate Hamas and assured the residents of the envelope that they could return to their homes, as it was safe, but last week proved that reality is far from the promises,” referring to Resistance rocket launches from northern Gaza toward nearby settlements. “Rockets were launched [targeting] the envelope area throughout last week, where sirens sounded in […]
Mumia Abu-Jamal Speaks at CUNY Palestine Solidarity Occupation (Abolition Media)
Black liberation political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal spoke to the CUNY occupation on a phone call from prison and urged them to demand more: “It is not enough to demand a ceasefire. How about this? Make your demand cease occupation! Cease occupation! Let that be your battle call, because that is the call of history, of which all of you are a part. You are part of something magnanimous, magnificent, and soul-changing, mind-changing, history-changing. Do not let go of this moment. Make it bigger, make it more massive, make more powerful. Make it echo up into the stars.” He added, “Do […]
US Plan to To Seize Lithium in Bolivia Revealed (Abolition Media)
According to an article published for the Bolivian Information Agency (Agencia Boliviana de Información, ABI), filtered from the US Embassy in La Paz and systematized, among others, by the Center for Multidisciplinary Geopolitical Studies (CEGM),  the text “gives account of a new plan by the United States to carry out the recolonization of Latin America. This new interventionist plan, according to the press agency, is aimed at consolidating the rupture of the political party Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) and creating an “outsider” candidate for the 2025 elections, with the aim of seizing natural resources such as lithium and rare earths […]
The Sick Country of the United States of America! (Abolition Media)
In the Haitian popular language, not all diseases are natural, since, some would have been fabricated, instrumentalized to punish or harm someone, if not to a people, a state or a nation. Is this the case of what we are experiencing in the current situation of the first African country independent of the Americas? This is the situation of Haiti, a country born of a socio-political revolution, which destroyed relations of colonial and slave domination. It was the triumph of ideals favorable to the freedom of a working people and the development of a new state. Since that epic, the […]
Chiapas, Unacknowledged Violence (Abolition Media)
In the midst of the recognized violence at the official level that has erupted with increasing intensity in Chiapas for three years—and that has been described here through the pulse of Frayba—we must highlight the constant siege of lands recovered by the EZLN, in which has arisen since 1994, an autonomous form of government that resists counterinsurgency strategies. The main attacks carried out during these years of the Chiapas crisis are reported by a human rights center that has more legitimacy in the matter than an alienated federal government. They are centered on the towns and communities of La Resistencia, […]
HPG: Guerrillas Ararat Herekol and Zîn Zagros fHPG: Guerrillas Ararat Herekol and Zîn Zagros Fell as Martyrs in Gare (Abolition Media)
The HPG announced the deaths of guerrillas Ararat Herekol and Zîn Zagros. The two guerrillas were killed in a Turkish attack in Gare on 1 April, the HPG press center said. Guerrillas Ararat Herekol and Zîn Zagros died on 1 April in the Gare region. The press center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) said that the two guerrillas from the Free Women’s Units (YJA Star) went down in the history of resistance of the Kurdish people as revolutionary advocates of women’s liberation. The HPG expressed its condolences to the relatives and people of Kurdistan and declared that the fight […]
Repression Against Demonstrators in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito — Italy (Abolition Media)
At dawn on Monday, April 22, the Italian investagative unit (DIGOS) established 18 measures of judicial control as part of a repressive operation in connection with the demonstration that, on March 4, 2023, took place against the prison and the 41-bis, and in solidarity with anarchist political prisoner Alfredo Cospito, who was then on hunger strike. During the demonstration hammers, artisanal rams and cobblestones were used against symbols of the violence of the state and capital, with damage estimated at around 630,000 euros. The judicial record includes three house arrests for demonstrators in Turin, Cuneo and Rome, seven residence requirements with daily […]
“Israel” Has No Right to Exist — And Neither Does the US (Abolition Media)
On a campus that claims to prize the free exchange of ideas, some ideas are barred from entering. But for those of us actually interested in freedom, challenging the existence of capitalism, the United States, or Israel should not be considered heresy. We have every right to question the existence of states that discriminate by design. Black subjugation in the United States is no accident – this country’s founding document bears the design of white supremacy. Since ratifying the U.S. Constitution required the Three-Fifths Compromise, Black people live under a political contract that counts us as subhuman. Though our subjugation […]
11. Mai 2024 ANCST + MORAL BOMBING + SPIT ACID (AK40 Suhl)
(salonelibropolitico) Casaeditrice indipendente, si occupa di controculture e cultura libertaria Promuove idee all’insegna della libera circolazione dei saperi Cerca di dare voce editoriale ai fenomeni sommersi e di opposizione culturale I nostri libri vanno dalla saggistica, alla memorialistica, alla narrativa di movimento, di strada, sottoculturale La sede si trova in via Siracusa, nel cuore del quartiere popolare Stadio (ex 167/b) di Lecce dove funge da spazio sociale e culturale cercando di alimentare attraverso l’Associazione culturale Bfake e il Laboratorio di arti urbane 167/b Street cultura, arte e condivisione di conoscenze
ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΗΣ ΚΑΤΕΙΛΗΜΜΕΝΩΝ ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΙΚΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝΕΔΡΑ ΤΩΝ ΦΑΣΙΣΤΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΜΟΝΑΣΤΗΡΑΚΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΣΥΓΚΡΟΥΣΗ ΜΑΖΙ ΤΟΥΣ Η νίκη επί του φασισμού είναι υπόθεση όλων μας, είναι υπόθεση του καθενός μας, Είναι στο τέλος υπόθεση όλης της ανθρωπότητας… Haukur Spark Hilmarsson Μάρτυρας του Afrin Στις 1/11/23, μέρα αντιφασιστικών συγκεντρώσεων ενάντια στο ναζιστικό πανευρωπαϊκό κάλεσμα, με αφορμή τα δέκα χρόνια από την εκτέλεση των δυο μελών της χ. αυγής, η Κοινότητα Κατειλημμένων Προσφυγικών, δήλωσε με δημόσιο κάλεσμα την παρουσία της και την συμμετοχή της στις αντιφασιστικές συγκεντρώσεις. Μετά από την παρουσία μας στην περιοχή των αντιφασιστικών συγκεντρώσεων και πιο συγκεκριμένα στο σταθμό […]
AnarSec: Tech Guides for Anarchists (Act for freedom now!)
AnarSec is a new resource designed to help anarchists navigate the hostile terrain of technology — defensive guides for digital security and anonymity, as well as offensive guides for hacking. All guides are available in booklet format for printing and will be kept up to date. As anarchists, we must defend ourselves against police and intelligence agencies that conduct targeted digital surveillance for the purposes of incrimination and network mapping. With the defensive series, our goal is to obscure the State’s visibility into our lives and projects. Our recommendations are intended for all anarchists, and they are accompanied by guides […]
ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΗΣ ΚΑΤΕΙΛΗΜΜΕΝΩΝ ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΙΚΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝΕΔΡΑ ΤΩΝ ΦΑΣΙΣΤΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΜΟΝΑΣΤΗΡΑΚΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΣΥΓΚΡΟΥΣΗ ΜΑΖΙ ΤΟΥΣ Η νίκη επί του φασισμού είναι υπόθεση όλων μας, είναι υπόθεση του καθενός μας, Είναι στο τέλος υπόθεση όλης της ανθρωπότητας… Haukur Spark Hilmarsson Μάρτυρας του Afrin Στις 1/11/23, μέρα αντιφασιστικών συγκεντρώσεων ενάντια στο ναζιστικό πανευρωπαϊκό κάλεσμα, με αφορμή τα δέκα χρόνια από την εκτέλεση των δυο μελών της χ. αυγής, η Κοινότητα Κατειλημμένων Προσφυγικών, δήλωσε με δημόσιο κάλεσμα την παρουσία της και την συμμετοχή της στις αντιφασιστικές συγκεντρώσεις. Μετά από την παρουσία μας στην περιοχή των αντιφασιστικών συγκεντρώσεων και πιο συγκεκριμένα στο σταθμό […]
ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΗΣ ΚΑΤΕΙΛΗΜΜΕΝΩΝ ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΙΚΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝΕΔΡΑ ΤΩΝ ΦΑΣΙΣΤΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΜΟΝΑΣΤΗΡΑΚΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΣΥΓΚΡΟΥΣΗ ΜΑΖΙ ΤΟΥΣ Η νίκη επί του φασισμού είναι υπόθεση όλων μας, είναι υπόθεση του καθενός μας, Είναι στο τέλος υπόθεση όλης της ανθρωπότητας… Haukur Spark Hilmarsson Μάρτυρας του Afrin Στις 1/11/23, μέρα αντιφασιστικών συγκεντρώσεων ενάντια στο ναζιστικό πανευρωπαϊκό κάλεσμα, με αφορμή τα δέκα χρόνια από την εκτέλεση των δυο μελών της χ. αυγής, η Κοινότητα Κατειλημμένων Προσφυγικών, δήλωσε με δημόσιο κάλεσμα την παρουσία της και την συμμετοχή της στις αντιφασιστικές συγκεντρώσεις. Μετά από την παρουσία μας στην περιοχή των αντιφασιστικών συγκεντρώσεων και πιο συγκεκριμένα στο σταθμό […]
Concepción, Chile: Flaming Barricades in Support of Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners (Abolition Media)
“In the early hours of today, April 26, we carried out a propaganda action in support of our comrades kidnapped in the prisons of the $hilean state. We vindicate each of your struggles against this system of death that only seeks exploitation in pursuit of its economic interests, destroyers of the earth and life. We call for solidarity and action in the face of this punitive scenario that locks up those who struggle. In addition to the above, we call for a concrete presence with the families in struggle in the different land occupations of the $hilean territory. Down with […]
Incendiary Attack Against Private Vehicle of a Carabiniere (Rome, Italy) (Abolition Media)
Claim of responsibility for the attack against a private vehicle belonging to a cop at a carabinieri barracks in Rome, March 29, 2024 “Soon, Anarchists, we will hasten to the dagger for victory or die with oil and dynamite, every class and the government to eradicate.” Anarchist Song While the Mediterranean is more and more a mass grave full of the corpses of the oppressed from the south of the world, Gaza is being razed to the ground in world vision and the winds of war are blowing fatally to every corner of the globe leading the proletarians of the […]
<abbr title="Freitag">Fr.</abbr> 21. Juni: „Es lebt noch eine Flamme“ – Tendenzlieder anarchistischer Bewegungen (Trotz Allem Witten)
Revolutionäre Texte, gesungen auf konservativen Melodien – so lautete eine Kritik an den anarchosyndikalistischen Chören in der Weimarer Republik. Mit mehreren 100 Sänger:innen auf der Bühne trugen die „Freien Sänger“ Kompositionen von Peter H. Ortmann in sogenannten Stuhlreihenkonzerten einer begeisterten Zuhörer:innenschaft vor. Daneben hatte sie ein reichhaltiges Repertoire an Liedern, die auf der Straße, auf Demonstrationen, in ihren Vereinskneipen oder bei Agitationsfahrten gesungen wurden. Eine kleine Gruppe musikalisch und historisch begeisterter Menschen hat in der 150jährigen Geschichte antiautoritärer Bewegungen gekramt und hat viele bislang verschollene Dokumente wieder entdeckt. Einige Zwischenergebnisse dieser Recherchen sollen auf dieser Veranstaltung vorgestellt werden. Fr. 21. Juni […]
Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne) : L’habitation d’un propriétaire immobilier attaquée (Attaque) / jeudi 18 avril 2024 Dans la nuit du 16 au 17 avril, nous avons attaqué l’habitation de Marco Nadler, un propriétaire immobilier et bailleur de logements de Francfort. Nous avons avons bien enjolivé la maison avec de la peinture et nous avons aussi mis à plat l’essoreuse à CO2 de Marco – une Porsche Cayenna. Marco vit dans une zone résidentielle tranquille, dans le quartier de Eschersheim, à Francfort, à l’adresse Im Geeren 143. Pendant que tout le monde semblait encore profondément endormi, nous avons disparu, ni ni, dans la nuit noire.
Concepción (Chili) : Une action de propagande en soutien aux anarchistes et mapuches (Attaque)
La Zarzamora / vendredi 26 avril 2024 Dans la matinée d’aujourd’hui, 26 avril, nous avons mené une action de propagande en soutien à nos compas kidnappé.es dans les prisons de l’État chilien. Nous revendiquons chacune de leurs luttes contre ce système de mort, qui ne vise que l’exploitation, dans la poursuite de ses intérêts économiques, destructeurs de la terre et de la vie.
Presentación del libro «pájaros azules» (Marcha a Topas)
Heraus zum 1. Mai! Schließ dich dem Klassenkämpferischen Block der Gewerkschaftsdemo an (Perspektive Selbstverwaltung)
Dieses Jahr heißt es wieder Klassenkampf am 1. Mai! Auch Perspektive Selbstverwaltung wird wieder dabei sein und wir möchten euch einladen, euch mit uns zusammen dem Klassenkampfblock der DGB-Demo anzuschließen. Bringt Fahnen, Trommeln, Trillerpfeifen, Genoss:innen und Freund:innen. Zusammen gegen Krieg, Kürzungspolitik und rechte Hetze. Schluss mit der Bereicherung von einige und für ein gutes Leben für Alle! ✊🏴 Wann? 1. Mai 2024, 10 Uhr Wo? U-Bahnhof Weberwiese (Karl-Marx-Allee/Pariser Kommune), Berlin
30/04 UDINE: NO ALLA SMART CITY E AL CAPITALISMO DELLA SORVEGLIANZA (Laboratoria Transfemminista Queer di Udine)
GIRIAMO QUESTA INIZIATIVA ALLO SPAZIO AUTOGESTITO DI VIA DE RUBEIS 43 A UDINE! MARTEDÌ 30 APRILE – ORE 20.30 (dalle 19.30 buon cibo e beveraggi come autofinanziamento) SPAZIO AUTOGESTITO VIA DE RUBEIS, 43 a UDINE incontro di approfondimento sulle smart control room e sulle implicazioni di questi progetti discriminatori e repressivi di sorveglianza di massa Da marzo 2024, anche Udine, come Venezia, Trento, Bolzano, Milano e altre città entra in una progettualità di smart city. Un videowall di ultima generazione, una parete di 20 metri quadri composta da 12 monitor che trasmette le immagini in costante aggiornamento che provengono dalle […]
verso il corteo “disarmiamo la fiocchi” (Affilare le armi della conoscenza)
sabato 27/04/2024 – RAP NIGHT live + freestyle contest (lascintilla)
LIBERTA’ E DIPENDENZE – comunicato (lascintilla)
LIBERTÀ E DIPENDENZE La Scintilla è un circolo anarchico con un’assemblea che pratica un’autogestione libertaria dal 1986. Nonostante ciò che politici e media cercano di inculcare​ nell’opinione pubblica, anarchia non significa assenza di regole e essere un circolo anarchico non significa essere uno spazio in cui ognuno può fare quello che vuole. Piuttosto significa condividere uno spazio dove poter praticare un’utopia concreta, dove vivere prassi e dinamiche decise collettivamente, differenti da quelle imposte dalla società. Da questa concezione di anarchia non consegue arbitrio, ma responsabilità​, ​un valore fondante della pratica dell’autogestione libertaria, anche più che quello, vago e spesso frainteso, […]
Los estudiantes universitarios de todo el país, que luchan contra las detenciones masivas, las sanciones, los desalojos y las expulsiones, son nuestra última y mejor esperanza para detener el genocidio en Gaza. Por Chris Hedges, 25 de abril de 2024 PRINCETON, Nueva Jersey – Achinthya Sivalingam, estudiante de posgrado de Asuntos Públicos en la Universidad de Princeton, no sabía cuando se despertó esta mañana que poco después de las 7 se uniría a los cientos de estudiantes de todo el país que han sido detenidos, desalojados y expulsados del campus por protestar contra el genocidio en Gaza. Lleva una […]
#001 Mein rechter, rechter Platz ist frei, ich wünsche mir den Adam Blöck herbei! (Antifa Lünen)
Heute dürfen wir euch Adam Blöck vorstellen, 1975 geboren in Tichau, gelernter Maschinenführer, nach eigenen Angaben Ex-Soldat, Mitglied der AfD KV Unna.
HKI: Palestiina-solidaarisuutta saksalaisen imperialismin repressiota vastaan (Punalippu)
Saksalaiselle imperialismille ei riitä kansanmurhan tukeminen Gazassa, vaan se hyökkää myös omalla maaperällään Palestiina-solidaarisuutta vastaan, kuten The Red Herald on uutisoinut. 12. huhtikuuta Saksan Liittotasavalta tukahdutti poliisivoimin Palestiina-kongressin Berliinissä, keskeyttäen videopuheen ja pahoinpidellen osallistujia ja pakottaen väkivalloin n. 250 osallistujaa … Continue reading
06_05_ rome_ israel-palestine & immigration: ‘le monde diplomatique’ @ librairie stendhal (differx)
“Fuori la guerra dall’università!” Movimento studentesco e repressione (collettivoanarchico)
“Fuori la guerra dall’università!” [pubblicato su Umanità Nova n. 15 del 28/04/24] Le cariche della polizia all’ingresso dell’università La Sapienza di Roma e l’arresto di uno studente e di una studentessa non sono che l’ultimo e più eclatante esempio della repressione in atto negli atenei italiani nei confronti del movimento per fermare il genocidio a Gaza che da ormai diversi mesi è sorto in molte sedi universitarie a in alcune città anche nelle scuole superiori. Abbiamo visto scene simili molte volte in questi mesi. A Torino, a Pisa, a Firenze, a Catania, a Bologna. Sempre più spesso la polizia interviene […]
Grain de lettres (FRITURE 97.00 FM)
Udine 30 aprile/ contro le smart control room! (Coordinamenta femminista e lesbica di collettivi e singole - Roma)
Udine, 30 aprile: incontro di approfondimento sulle smart control room Riceviamo e diffondiamo Da marzo 2024, anche Udine, come Venezia, Trento, Bolzano, Milano e altre città entra in una progettualità di smart city. Un videowall di ultima generazione, una parete di 20 metri quadri composta da 12 monitor che trasmette le immagini in costante aggiornamento che provengono dalle telecamere di sorveglianza, che per mezzo di un software integrato da algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale, incrocerà dati come ad esempio il luogo, l’orario, il colore degli indumenti, i dettagli dei veicoli, dalle immagini raccolte in diversi contesti dalle telecamere. Tutto ciò nella Control Room del Comando di Polizia Locale di […]
“Our Democracy” (A Journal of Unruliness)
Out of all the sacred ideals of modern society, there seems to be nothing more sacrosanct to the masses than their precious “democracy.” It feels impossible to go just twenty-four hours before being assaulted by some pretentious corporate journalist or news anchor about a new imminent danger to “our democracy” and how “we” have to rush to save it from catastrophe. What is it that requires our immediate and undivided attention? What, precisely, do they claim is so dangerous? Put simply: individual liberty. “How can this be?” says a brave shock trooper for democracy. “We are all for individual liberty […]
You Don’t Need Bosses, Cops, or Politicians! by Marion Koshy (Beyond Resistance!)
Typically, when people are told about anarchism or anarchy in general, they are greeted with images of bombs exploding, unprovoked violence, and scenes from apocalyptic movies and shows. The “strong” reign, and the “weak” are powerless to stop them. The way society is now, but without cops or someone to “protect” people. But this is […]
The Public Domain featuring Mickey Mouse by Ridley Temples (Beyond Resistance!)
Mickey and the public domain.    So Mickey’s old ass versions went into what the cool kids call “public domain” in America recently, meaning anyone can do anything they want with these versions without getting harassed by Disney’s lawyers, maybe anyway. Turns out he’s really popular, you could even say he’s part of popular culture. He’s been in movies, tv shows, on your t-shirt, toys, dishes, hats, schoolbags, and an actual costume worn by a monkey in the 1934 movie “Babes in Toyland” starring Laurel and Hardy.   Now I know what you may be thinking: “So he’s in the […]
A Call for Democratic Education Pt 1 by M.M. (Beyond Resistance!)
The current education system has failed to meet the needs of students, teachers, and society as a whole. One reason for this is the direction the education system has headed. That being in the direction of hierarchy, standardization, and the alienation of learning from the student. This is the wrong direction, and it is captained […]
Diffondiamo: Ore 13 grigliata anti-pioggia (anche veg) e a seguire chiacchere con la comunità sinta sotto esproprio per i lavori del passante. Contro la cementificazione e per l’autodeterminazione abitativa: La terra è di chi la abita NO PASSANTE Via del triumvirato 125
Ticket d’accesso a Venezia: perché no. (Coordinamenta femminista e lesbica di collettivi e singole - Roma)
Dal collettivo Sumud di Venezia  TICKET D’ACCESSO: PERCHE’ NO. Raggruppiamo in questo testo le varie riflessioni nate durante il percorso di assemblee pubbliche fatta nelle Università di Venezia in vista della sperimentazione del ticket d’accesso per la città. Partiamo dalla premessa, condivisa in più occasioni, e anche abbastanza evidente nelle parole di chi promuove questa misura (Comune, istituzioni locali, aziende private principalmente): questo ticket d’ingresso non serve a limitare il turismo di massa, ma serve semplicemente a gestirlo per guadagnarci ancora di più, dal momento che non è ancora stato fissato un numero massimo di biglietti erogabili. Il ticket d’accesso […]
Soli-action – sumup (No Borders Team)
20 kwietnia 24′, jako ruch no bordersowy działający na granicy polsko-białoruskiej jak i na innych granicach UE, spotkaliśmy się w Warszawie pod Komendą Główną Straży Granicznej. Pogoda nam nie sprzyjała, jednak mimo ciągłego deszczu, udało się zgromadzić prawie 100 osób, które przyszły okazać swoje poparcie osobom w drodze, szczególnie tym przetrzymywanym w Strzeżonych Ośrodkach dla Cudzoziemców. Naszym celem było pokazanie, że prawa osób przetrzymywanych wbrew swojej woli w SOCach jest nadal ważna! Bez względu na to kto zasiada w Sejmowych Salach Posiedzeń prawa człowieka – w tym prawo do ochrony życia i zdrowia osób z doświadczeniem uchodźczym – są cały […]
Kein Raum der AfD! Gegen den „Bürgerdialog“ in Schwentinental! (TKKG - TurboKlimaKampfGruppe Kiel)
Gestern hatte die AfD wieder zum „Bürgerdialog“ geladen. Erstmals versuchte sie im Raum Kiel die Location geheim zu halten. Ähnlich war es bereits letzte Woche, als die AfD zu einer Veranstaltung in Scharbeutz geladen hatte. Diese wurde nach Ankündigung von Gegenprotest kurzfristig abgesagt. Den gestrigen „Dialog“ führten die Rechten zwar durch, doch wurde auch dieser von Gegenprotest begleitet. Veranstaltungsort war die Autowerkstatt „Exit Cars“ des szenebekannten „Beulendoktors“ Sönke H. Er bezeichnete sich selbst als zur Partei die Basis zugehörig. Geframed hat er die Veranstaltung als gemeinsamen Abend von AfD und Basis. Ca. 40 Antifas beteiligten sich an dem Gegenprotest direkt […]
El director de Science dice que la teoría sobre la aparición de la pandemia en el mercado de Huanan no es concluyente (la curva de mar)
por Emily Kopp, 16 de abril de 2023 El editor jefe de una importante revista científica se desmarcó el martes en una audiencia de las conocidas afirmaciones de que dos estudios publicados en su revista habían demostrado de forma concluyente que la pandemia surgió de forma natural. Holden Thorp, redactor jefe de Science, declaró ante el Subcomité Selecto de la Cámara de Representantes sobre la Pandemia de Coronavirus en una audiencia sobre la gestión por parte de la industria editorial científica de una de las cuestiones científicas más controvertidas en décadas: cómo se inició la pandemia de COVID-19. Thorp […]