
Berlin’den Atina’ya – Kederle, öfkeyle ve devrimci dayanışmayla bir aradayız. (A KAOS)
3.11’de Kyriakos Xymitiris, Marianna M., Dimitra Z. ve 1 Kasım’dan bu yana tutuklu bulunan dördüncü sanığın arkadaşları ve yoldaşlarıyla, 31 Ekim Perşembe günü Atina Ambelokipi’de meydana gelen patlama ve ardından gelen baskılar sonrasında bir araya geldik. Onlar bizden biri ve oldukları gibi seviliyor ve saygı görüyorlar. Onlarla paylaştığımız tüm anılarda, günlük mücadelelerimize ilham verdiler, baskıya karşı bizi daha güçlü kıldılar, bizi güldürdüler ve bize; gücümüze ve fikirlerimize inanma gücü verdiler. İşte bu nedenle Berlin sokaklarında da bir araya geliyor, birlikte yas tutuyor, birlikte ağlıyor ve dayanışma ve suç ortaklığımızı gösteriyoruz. Devlet güçleri ve medya, her türlü baskıya karşı adil mücadele […]
Kendinizi Filme Almayı Bırakın! (A KAOS)
Gece dışarı çıkıp egemenlik yapılarına saldırmak harika bir fikirdir. Kendinizi bunu yaparken filme alıp videoyu internette yayınlamak korkunç bir fikirdir. Evet, daha önce hiç giymediğiniz ve sonrasında mahvettiğiniz kıyafetlerle kusursuz bir şekilde örtünseniz bile, bir rehin dükkanı kamerası kullanıp videoyu meta verilerden temizleseniz bile, bir kafede Tails’te çalışan Tor’u kullanarak gönderseniz bile. Film çektiğinizde her zaman kendinizi ihbar ediyor ve başkalarını da aynısını yapmaya teşvik ediyorsunuz. Bu videolardan birindeki her şey kanıttır: boyunuzun yapısı ve yürüyüşünüz, kullandığınız aletler, orada kaç kişi olduğunuz, olay yerinde neye dokunduğunuz. Videonun pikselleri, bir merminin geldiği namluya kadar izlenebildiği gibi dijital adli tıp kullanılarak kayıt […]
[Le Pont de Genève] Interview avec Omar Mestiri au sujet de son épouse Sihem Bensedrine (Liberté pour Sihem Bensedrine)
Le 2 novembre 2024, Le Pont de Genève a publié une interview vidéo d’Omar Mestiri, au sujet de l’incarcération de son épouse Sihem Bensedrine. Aussi visionnable directement sur Youtube.
Vendée Globe : disparu depuis près de 20 ans, son fondateur multi-condamné refait surface pour être honoré (Une chance pour la France)
Philippe Jeantot, « une chance pour la France » À une semaine du départ de la 10e édition du Vendée Globe, l’un de ses créateurs a refait surface aux Sables-d’Olonne ce samedi…
We call all comrades around the world for an international day of action and in memory of the dead anarchist fighter and dear comrade Kyriakos Ximitiris (16 November). We invite comrades from abroad to send texts that they would like for us to read at the political event in memory of comrade Kyriakos that will take place on the same day, in Athens. October 31 forever engraved in the hearts of every fighter. With anger and determination we stand next to our comrades On 31/10/24, after a device explosion in an apartment in Ampelokipoi, our anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris […]
<abbr title="Freitag">Fr.</abbr> 6. Dezember: Antifa-Café (Trotz Allem Witten)
Nazis fest im Blick!? Vortrag über Nazisymbole und Strukturen in Witten und Umgebung Aufgrund von Repressionen, aber vor allem um ihre wahren Absichten zu verschleiern und popkulturellen Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft zu nehmen, verwenden Nazis verschiedene, sich regelmäßig wandelnde Codes und Symbole, um ihre rechte Ideologien zu verbreiten.
16.11.: Auf die Straße gegen den AfD-Landesparteitag in Ketsch! (Antifaschistische Initiative Heidelberg)
Am 16. November 2024 will die AfD Baden-Württemberg in der Rheinhalle in Ketsch ihren Landesparteitag abhalten, um ihr Programm zu überarbeiten. Dagegen gibt es aber entschiedenen antifaschistischen Widerstand: Los geht es um 8.30 Uhr mit einer Demonstration vom Ketscher Marktplatz zur Rheinhalle, wo gegen 9 Uhr die Ankunft der AfD-Mitglieder erwartet wird. Anschließend bleiben wir sicht- und hörbar vor Ort und beteiligen uns mit einem Infostand am Fest der Vielfalt, das das Bündnis für Demokratie und Vielfalt Kurpfalz von 10 bis 16 Uhr veranstaltet. Um 13.30 Uhr geht es mit einer Bündnis-Demonstration unter Beteiligung verschiedener lokaler Gruppen und Initiativen wieder […]
Diffondiamo Giovedì 21 novembre, presso il circolo Asyoli (corso Garibaldi 280, Forlì) alle ore 18:30 incontro con alcunx autorx dell’opuscolo “Democrazie Reali”, un dossier che parte dall’assunto che, no, non c’è nessuna incompatibilità con la democrazia tra Stato sionista d’Israele, la sua occupazione coloniale della palestina (e del Libano ora) e le pratiche genocidiarie che sta attuando, come non c’è incompatibilità con la sua struttura di società-carcere hi-tech. Anzi. Lx autorx dell’opuscolo mostrano come la maggioranza delle democrazie occidentali siano già ben avviate sulla strada di una “israelianizzazione” dei propri assetti. Ne Parliamo con alcunx autorx. A seguire buffet vegan!! […]
Solidarité avec les Northumberland 2 ! (dingueries)
Extraits de unoffensive animal le 04/11/2024, de Philly Anarchist Black Cross et d’Instagram. Le 19 octobre, Cara et Celeste ont été arrêtées et accusées d’avoir libéré 638 visons d’une ferme à fourrure [on peut en lire plus sur l’action et la répression ayant suivi ici], et doivent payer 150 000 dollars chacune de caution. L’une est victime de violences transphobes en prison. Elles ont été placées à l’isolement, sujette à des menaces transphobes, et limitées dans l’utilisation du téléphone sauf pour quelques heures restreintes. Le comité de défense des Northumberland 2 organise une campagne pour les aider à payer les […]
Solidarité avec les Florida 4 ! (dingueries)
Extraits de l’Anarchist Black Cross Federation le 14/10/2024, le 29/10/2024 et le 05/11/2024. Après qu’un juge fédéral ait fait une équivalence entre des graffitis pro-choix et des incendies de cliniques d’avortement, les Florida Four ont fait le choix d’accepter de plaider coupable pour éviter d’être condamné.e.s avec des charges liées au FACE Act [Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, une loi fédérale promulguée dans les années 1990 suite aux attaques de groupes anti-IVG contre des cliniques d’avortement, visant à protéger les lieux en lien avec la santé reproductive et les personnes les utilisant…] et suite à des décisions de […]
[Brochure] Guide illustré des prisonnier.e.s politiques et de guerre des USA (dingueries)
Le 31/10/2024, l’Anarchist Black Cross de New York City a remis à jour son guide des prisonnier.e.s politique et des prisonnier.e.s de guerre aux Etats-Unis, avec notamment des photos, informations et les adresses à jour pour écrire aux différent.e.s prisonnier.e.s. La brochure mise à jour est téléchargeable ici.
Diffondiamo 14/10, al Brigata Bestiale (rifugio per animali nei pressi di Bologna) dalle 19:00 cena buffet vegan benefit “cassabbestia” (un progetto di mutuo aiuto per animali che vivono nelle nostre comunità umane e che non necessariamnete hanno umani di riferimento che si possano accollare le spese mediche derivanti dalla vita in questa società!) a seguire chiacchierata/discussione sulle consueguenze che ha avuto nelle alluvioni in Emilia Romagna degli ultimi due anni il consumo di suolo legato agli allevamenti!
Diffondiamo TORINO venerdì 22 novembre alle ore 20:30 c/o la Libreria COMUNARDI via San Francesco da Paola 6 presentazione del libro: “SOCIALMENTE PERICOLOSO. La triste ma vera storia di un ergastolo bianco” di Luigi Gallini, Contrabbandiera editrice Una accorata denuncia sulla pericolosità sociale con la presenza di Luigi Gallini, il collettivo InformaCarcere (Firenze), il collettivo Antipsichiatrico Antonin Artaud (Pisa), Nicola Valentino e Ri-Congiunzioni
Polluer, c’est coloniser (Antiopées)
Max Liboiron, Polluer, c’est coloniser. Traduit de l’anglais par Valentine Leÿs. Préface d’Isabelle Stengers et Alexis Zimmer. Éditions Amsterdam, 2024. À mon avis, c’est un grand livre. Je dis « grand », j’aurais pu dire « très bon », « excellent » – le mieux serait peut-être de dire que c’est un livre qui fera référence[1] dans les domaines qu’il aborde, soit la pollution et son rapport avec la colonisation, mais aussi (surtout ?) en épistémologie. Pardon d’utiliser les grands mots ; disons plutôt, comme me le suggère mon dictionnaire à l’entrée « épistémologie » : 1. (Philo.) Étude des sciences (la connaissance), de leurs principes, de leur validité et de […]
La tua voce (Simone Cumbo - Poeta)
La tua voce era il canto del mare, la A e la Z dei miei giorni. Mi tuffavo nei tuoi occhi, per volare libero. Eri tutto. Ma tutto passa, senza amore… da Il cielo prima di tutto  
OAT im Dezember: ANTIFA – Film & Gespräch über Antifaschismus in Ostdeutschland (oatle)
Am 13. Dezember 2024 läuft der Film „ANTIFA – Schulter an Schulter, wo der Staat versagte“ im Conne Island. Einlass ist um 17 Uhr. Hintergrund: In den 1990er und 2000er Jahren, im Schatten der rassistischen Pogrome, die das wiedervereinte Deutschland nach 1989 überrollten, entstand eine außergewöhnlich starke antifaschistische Bewegung. Die Antifa arbeitete auf vielen Feldern so professionell wie kaum eine andere selbstorganisierte Kraft der Neuzeit. Von militanten Aktionen über politische Bildung bis hin zur Ermittlungsarbeit – die Antifa hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, dem erstarkenden Neofaschismus entgegenzutreten. Fünf Aktivist:innen sprechen zum ersten Mal öffentlich im Film über ihre Aktivitäten […]
L’avocat réputé Philippe Dehapiot condamné en appel à trois ans d’emprisonnement dont six mois ferme (Une chance pour la France)
Philippe Dehapiot, « une chance pour la France » Ce spécialiste de la procédure pénale a été épinglé pour une « défaillance complète au titre de ses obligations déclaratives et comptables » entre 2014 et 2018. Source :
El frente del régimen Sionista y la familia Beren (la curva de mar)
Por David Miller, 9 de noviembre de 2024 Una vez más descubrimos que quienes hacen campaña contra el antisemitismo son en realidad partidarios militantes, de hecho agentes, del genocidio en Palestina. «Con asociaciones que abarcan más de 850 organizaciones interreligiosas, influyentes responsables políticos y una red de más de cinco millones de activistas y 250 personas influyentes en las redes sociales, el CAM lidera un frente unido contra el odio a los judíos». Así es como el Movimiento de Lucha contra el Antisemitismo se describe a sí mismo. Parece un grupo de campaña independiente a la cabeza de un […]
LA VERITÀ SULLA CACCIA AGLI EBREI DI AMSTERDAM (E SU CHI SONO GLI ULTRAS DEL MACCABI) La stampa italiana ha confermato ancora una volta il suo atavico vizio di riportare in modo parziale le notizie. Le pagine di giornale, le trasmissioni radiofoniche, i servizi in tv sono affollati dagli scontri avvenuti ad Amsterdam la sera di giovedì, 7 novembre, in cui i seguaci del Maccabi Tel Aviv hanno avuto la peggio. La stampa mainstream li ha descritti in termini di “pogrom organizzati” e “caccia all’ebreo”, gridando all’antisemitismo. Una ricostruzione demistificante, che volutamente relega gli eventi ad azioni estemporanee e sorvola […]
Roma: sos rider! (BibliotecAria)
Arricchire le biblioteche di servizi disegnati per i fattorini che consegnano a domicilio nelle vie della capitale: punti ristoro, ricarica eletterica, servizi igienici, ma soprattutto occasioni per fare comunità. Con l’apertura della gara d’appalto per gli allestimenti, il progetto entra nella sua fase operativa a due anni dal primo annuncio pubblico.
«Si tu es ma maîtresse, plus de soucis d’argent» : un ancien cadre RN condamné pour harcèlement (Une chance pour la France)
Bruno Leleu, « une chance pour la France » La justice a condamné ce mercredi Bruno Leleu, ancien responsable du RN dans l’Aveyron, à huit mois de prison avec sursis pour avoir…
TERRA MADRE 2024 (Alleanza dei Custodi di Semi)
Vehicles Caught Under Gaza Resistance’s Fire, Hezbollah’s Rockets Hammer Zionist Soldiers (Abolition Media)
For the 401st consecutive day, the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza continues to confront Zionist occupation forces, carrying out several military operations in the besieged Strip. The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced on Sunday that its fighters engaged an infantry force in the al-Birka area, west of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, inflicting casualties and injuries on its ranks. In a separate operation, the Brigades said that its fighters targeted a Zionist infantry force of 15 soldiers with an anti-personnel RPG, engaging them at point-blank range with light weapons and hand grenades west of the al-Shaimaa area, north […]
Come diventare un Comune/Regione libero da nuovi OGM/TEA (Alleanza dei Custodi di Semi)
HBDH Imran Storm Militia; “Vehicle Belonging to a Fascist Was Torched in Response to the Usurpation of the Trustees!” (Abolition Media)
On November 8, around 23:30, the vehicle belonging to a fascist person from the MHP was set on fire by the Imran Fırtına Militia in the Lovers Hill area of Çayırova District of Kocaeli. The Kurdish people, who had wanted to be left anonymous by the Turkish state regime, known for its colonialist and genocidal tradition, with its policies of denial and assimilation for centuries, and who have been made unable to act through massacres and genocides; Today, with the organization and achievements it has achieved, it shows the whole world that fascism will be defeated under all circumstances. With […]
The Jabalia Massacre is a Stain on the Record of Arab Regimes, and the US Regime Which is the Sponsor of Genocide — PFLP (Abolition Media)
– This morning, the zionist enemy committed a brutal massacre against the Aloush family by targeting their home in Jabalia in northern Gaza, resulting in dozens of martyrs and many missing persons. – This massacre is yet another systematic war crime, part of an ongoing campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing against our people in the northern Gaza Strip. Its aim is to uproot and displace them, creating a buffer zone in the north, under suffocating siege and total starvation warfare. – The zionist enemy is fed by the unlimited American support for the zionist entity. The criminal American administration […]
The Transformation Made of Violence. On the War Against Resistant Communities in Chiapas, Mexico (Abolition Media)
The growing spiral of violence in southern Mexico, in Chiapas, also touches the neighborhoods of the city of San Cristóbal de las Casas. On October 20th, the Chiapas town, a destination for international tourism from all over the world, filled with anger and grief: in the Cuxtitali neighborhood, Fra Marcelo Pérez, the rebel indigenous pastor of the Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe church in San Cristóball, was shot dead by two people on a motorcycle as he finished mass. A life spent denouncing the interests of drug trafficking and the ambiguities of local government power, always on the front line for […]
Germany: Prison Visit Ban On Supporters of Daniela Klette (Abolition Media)
Since the beginning of September, Ariane Müller has been banned from visiting Daniela Klette. The BGH (Federal Court of Justice) justified the ban on the grounds that it would ensure that Daniela could plan her escape. Ariane has been banned from working as a nurse since March, for taking part in the first rallies outside the JVA Vechta prison. The crackdown against Ariane of the group “Solidarity with Daniela” continues, in October, an interrogation took place in Berlin, she refused to make statements, and she risks a fine or pre-trial detention. Two former RAF prisoners, Günter Sonnenberg and Karl-Heinz Dellwo, […]
Black Liberation and Anarchism [2002] ( Ali Khalid Abdullah Black Autonomy Archive)
This is doctored together from an incomplete a-infos page [] and a zine with 4 missing pages on the internet.  [] (Incomplete PDF by ABC Ghent) This peice was supposedly meant to be part of a book published by the so-called-canadian publisher, Solidarity that summer [] it sadly never came out…. Black Liberation and Anarchism  Ali Khallid Abdullah The Black Struggle For Liberation Today we find more and more people standing up for their rights. They are standing up from all sectors and stations of life. Nowhere is this more prevalent than within the Black communities across Amerikkka who’ve always had…
We Are Talking Loud.. [2000] ( Ali Khalid Abdullah Black Autonomy Archive)
WE ARE TALKING LOUD, BUT… By Ali Khalid Abdullah The Anarchist movement is talking loud and spreading lots of information about the oppressive nature of all governments, world capitalism, materialist property owners (for the sake of greed), race and sexism, homophobia, etc., but thus far all we have done is talk. We say that anarchism is the only political philosophy advocating the abolition of ALL violent and coercive relationships and institutions which enslave people to subjugation – yet – thus far all we have done (on a global scale) is TALK with little direct action. Direct action where it…
Les asexuel·les réclament plus d’orgies ! (La distro des 100noms)
Depuis le lycée, le terme que j’ai utilisé le plus pour décrire ma sexualité a été et est encore asexuel·le. Au tout début, genre dès la sixième au collège, je me pensais bisexuel·le sans le dire vraiment à personne. Parce que c’est le premier terme sur lequel on tombe quand on se pose la question d’aimer également les gens « des deux genres ». J’avais essayé d’avoir des relations amoureuses avec des filles, sexuelles avec des garçons, puis l’inverse ou un mélange des deux. Je me posais des tas de questions bien sûr, dont les réponses dans un système logique binaire ne […]
Our Heroes? [2001] ( Ali Khalid Abdullah Black Autonomy Archive) From Green Anarchy, Issue 8, spring 2002. However the peice they published was from 2001. Amerikkka’s alleged “war on terrorism” reminds me of Amerikkka’s “war on drugs.” A lot of suffering was caused to people of color and other ethnic groups but never completed its intended mission, because the mission was never meant to be a true war on drugs in the first place. And I see the same thing taking place in this new call for war. Further, I have a problem with the word “terrorists” coming from the mouths of politicians and the general public who seem…
A Statement for the Third Annual New England Anarchist Bookfair [October 26, 2001] ( Ali Khalid Abdullah Black Autonomy Archive) A Statement for the Third Annual New England Anarchist Bookfair October 26, 2001 Greetings Comrades, Friends and Supporters! My name is Ali Khalid Abdullah, and I am a founder of the political organization ‘Political Prisoners of War Coalition’ (PPWC). I am saddened that I am not free where I can attend this function with all of you, or be apart of the activities that will be going on there, but I hope you will accept my words of solidarity and the spirit I send by way of this letter, to show my undying support for us (as Anarchists) to…
Kapital, class and workers [2006] ( Ali Khalid Abdullah Black Autonomy Archive)
Ali Khalid Abdullah #148130 Mound Correctional Facility 17601 Mound Rd. (NRF) Detroit, MI 48212 An Illustration on the PDF of this article dates it to 2006 but we could be wrong. The roots of corporative-fascism were laid with the expansion of monopoly capital into the giant cartels, corporation and interlocking trusts. The owners of the largest share of a nation’s GNP will always control the political life and government of the state. Monopoly capital is corporative (fascism). George L. Jackson, Blood in My Eye In the advanced Western industrial and technological nation-states, kapitalism reigns as the method of operations…
Reading for 11/12 (Berkeley Anarchist Study Group)
We’ll pick up with Against Civilization again, this time going from the beginning of Section III: The Nature of Civilization, thru Ivan Illich’s “Toward a History of Needs”. Til Tuesday!
Officers Wasting Tax Dollars In the Italian Market (Philly Copwatch)
Support the NU2! (Philly Anti-Capitalist)
from Philly ABC Please donate and share! Donate to the Northumberland 2 fundraiser Download and share this graphic on socials Update (11/9/24): Cara and Celeste are out of jail! Thanks to the support of many friends around the world, they each received dozens of letters and books while incarcerated. Despite a significant reduction in bail…
cineOPS! Rassegna film queer e antispecista (OPS! Occupazione Femminista e Transfemminista per lesbiche, trans+, donne, persone non binarie e froce)
Western Sahara. Attacks by the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army Disrupt Moroccan Propaganda (Abolition Media)
Intense fighting is taking place in the north of Western Sahara between the Moroccan occupation forces and the Sahrawi Army (SPLA), after the latter attacked around a military zone where the 49th anniversary of the invasion of Western Sahara, better known as the Green March, was being celebrated. According to information from sources on the ground, the SPLA launched a series of missiles at midday at the Mahbes area where the Moroccan authorities had prepared and set up a tent for the Green March celebrations. The missiles hit areas surrounding the event, causing great chaos and stupor among the attendees, […]
Al pueblo peruano, A las organizaciones populares del campo y la ciudad, A quienes resisten con valentía contra la injusticia: El Perú enfrenta una crisis estructural intensificada por un régimen boluartefujimorista que se ha convertido en cómplice de la corrupción y el crimen organizado. Con más de 1,600 asesinatos registrados en lo que va del año, el sicariato, el cobro de cupos y la extorsión han infiltrado cada rincón del país, mientras que el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo sostienen leyes como la 32108 y otras normativas que amparan estas lacras. Estas disposiciones no solo profundizan la inseguridad ciudadana, sino que […]
International Call for a Day of Action in Memory of Anarchist Comrade Kyriakos Ximitiris (Abolition Media)
Athens, Greece. We call on comrades around the world for an international day of action in memory of the death of anarchist warrior and beloved comrade Kyriakos Ximitiris (November 16). We invite comrades from abroad to send messages that they would like us to read at the political rally in memory of comrade Kyriakos, which will take place on the same day in Athens. October 31 forever engraved in the heart of every warrior. With rage and determination we stand by our comrades. On 31/10/204, after a device exploded in an apartment in Ampelokipoi, our anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris […]
Πολιτικό μνημόσυνο προς τιμή του αναρχικού συντρόφου αγωνιστή Κυριάκου Ξυμητήρη /// Political memorial in honour of the anarchist comrade figther Kyriakos Xymitiris (ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΑ ΚΑΤΕΙΛΗΜΜΕΝΩΝ ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΙΚΩΝ)
Σήμερα 10/11/24 βρεθήκαμε στο πολιτικό μνημόσυνο προς τιμή του αναρχικού συντρόφου αγωνιστή Κυριάκου Ξυμητήρη. Η οδός Μεσολογγίου ήταν κατάμεστη από κόσμο. Το συντροφικό και φιλικό περιβάλλον του συντρόφου, άτομα και συλλογικότητες κατέθεσαν μνήμες, σκέψεις και συναισθήματα. Η συνέλευση των κατειλημμένων προσφυγικών διάβασε το παρακάτω κείμενο χωρίς φυσικά αυτό να αντιπροσοπεύει το σύνολο των ανάμεικτων συναισθημάτων που προκαλεί ο χαμός του συντρόφου αλλά με καθήκον δημόσιας δήλωσης για την τιμή που νιώθουμε που γνωρίσαμε τον σύντροφο στους κοινούς μας αγώνες. ΤΙΜΗ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΑΝΑΡΧΙΚΟ ΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΗ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟ ΞΥΜΗΤΗΡΗ Η είδηση του χαμού του συντρόφου Κυριάκου Ξυμητήρη ήχησε βαριά στις καρδιές όλων […]
10 novembre 2024 Edizioni Double Nickels (pleasekillme)
Chiara Antonozzi fondatrice della casa editrice Double Nickels ci parla di questo progetto che pubblica libri scritti da musicisti preferibilmente  saggi o romanzi. Nello specifico ci soffermiamo sull’opera di Billy Bragg: Le tre dimensioni della libertà. Libertà e liberismo nell’era trumpiana. Scaletta: 1 Billy Bragg – Help Save the Youth of America. 2 Billy Bragg – To Have and to Have Not 3 Billy Bragg – Freedom Doesn’t Come for Free 4 Billy Bragg & Wilco – All You Fascists
Santiago, Chile: Liczne ataki w szkołach i na kampusach uniwersyteckich w październiku (Czarna Teoria)
Wczoraj (11 października) zakapturzone osoby wzniosły barykady i starły się z policją w pobliżu Narodowego Instytutu w celu upamiętnienia śmierci Denisse Cortés, towarzyszki i obserwatorki praw człowieka, która aktywnie uczestniczyła w ochronie i ochronie swoich ludzi w kontekście walki społecznej. Podczas demonstracji rozwieszono transparent potępiający niegospodarność i defraudację środków publicznych w związku z zarządzaniem i wypłatą nadgodzin dla niektórych urzędników instytucji, którzy dbają o własne interesy zamiast o interesy społeczności edukacyjnej. Nie dokonano żadnych aresztowań. żródło: Informativo Anarquista __________________________________________________________________________
Retour sur l’après-midi d’information à Bernin (STopMicro38)
Dimanche 10 novembre, STopMicro organisait un après-midi d’information convivial sur le projet d’agrandissement de Soitec à Bernin (pour lequel nous avions déployé quelques banderoles dont l’une avait été arrachée par des inconnu-es avant la venue d’un ministre). Sous un très beau soleil d’automne, 50 personnes étaient présentes au rendez-vous au Cube. Après une présentation des enjeux de l’après-midi, nous avons formé un petit cortège qui a pris la direction de l’usine en contrebas.   Nous avons fait quelques pauses, au cours desquelles ont été évoquées les extensions successives de Soitec et de ST depuis 1992 (date de l’ouverture de l’usine […]
A smug museo + Saturday night dengue – Live @CSLFabbri (Centro Studi Libertari "Luigi Fabbri" Jesi)
Ateny, Grecja: Solidarnościowe zgromadzenie w związku z ranną towarzyszką Marianną (wideo) (Czarna Teoria)
W wyniku wypadku podczas przeprowadzania akcji bezpośredniej śmierć poniósł anarchista Kyriakos X, a towarzysząca mu Marianna M. odniosła rany. Towarzyszka przebywa obecnie w szpitalu gdzie jest pilnowana przez oddziały policji do tłumienia zamieszek. Anarchistyczna towarzyszka Dimitra Z. jest również w rękach policji w związku z tą sprawą.  Więcej informacji znajdziecie pod TYM linkiem. – Czarna Teoria.  W godzinach popołudniowych w sobotę 2/11, a także w poniedziałek 4/11, przed szpitalem Evangelismos w Atenach odbyły się liczne zgromadzenia w geście solidarności z naszą ranną anarchistyczną towarzyszką Marianną M. i aresztowanymi, a także ku pamięci naszego anarchistycznego towarzysza Kyriakosa X. W zgromadzeniach wzięło […]
SLAMX 2024 // 13/14-12-2024 (C.S.O.A. COX18)
13 / 14 DICEMBRE 2024 ORE 21,30 SLAMX e Premio Alberto Dubito di poesia con musica TROPPO CINICI PER AMARCI – CERCHIAMO NUOVA UMANITA’ PROGRAMMA: Venerdì 13 dicembre, ore 21:30 Toni Bruna – Ippolita – Pepeta – Nove – Cinaski – Brucherò nei Pascoli – Kaidinoo – Bantukemistry – Archivio Proibito – Abo (Utopiadi) – Carlo Massimino + Andrea Centonza – No Text Azienda – At Least I Will Be 8… – Vera Linder – Amelia C. dj Luculliana Sabato 14 dicembre, ore 21:30 Finale XII Premio Dubito con: Drip Fortuna, Lenore, Vipera, ORA (presenta Davide Passoni) Gigi Gherzi – […]
L’arte del washing: come aziende e istituzioni ripuliscono la loro immagine senza affrontare i problemi veri (Propagando)
Viviamo in un’epoca in cui i consumatori e le società sono sempre più consapevoli dei problemi etici, sociali e ambientali. Questa crescente consapevolezza ha spinto molte aziende e istituzioni a cercare di migliorare la propria immagine. Tuttavia, piuttosto che attuare cambiamenti reali, molte scelgono di simulare un impegno verso cause nobili tramite strategie di marketing ingannevoli, note come “washing”. Questi “lavaggi” consistono nel ripulire la propria immagine pubblica senza cambiare davvero i comportamenti dannosi. In questo articolo, esploreremo i vari tipi di washing, come il greenwashing, whitewashing, pinkwashing, e altri, illustrandone i meccanismi e fornendo esempi concreti per ciascuno.
Incisioni rupestri: Pera crevolà, Menolzio (Piemonte) (Puck dei Boschi - Fuoritraccia )