
Zine: notes for encampments and escalations (Unsalted Counter Info)
screen reading – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/PXMYr0A4hC#Re73/L9vU6UTvaz03XWAmGDwiHiPBN0jYJbmTF2tNAM= double-sided printing (borderless) – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/aYRXAVaPsL#NAKTwpXG6fuemHqVwp0qGN1cYM4E368kl/UlrxA+XEE= double-sided printing (with margins) – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/zGw256dvzq#Uy6I16mOzpnN0BbVCAhlJPjTdYqU1+KqIcLqkQtf7wI= via Tax Resistance Collective: Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
Call for Port and Railyard Blockades on July 1st (Unsalted Counter Info)
(FOR IMMEDIATE AND WIDE DISTRIBUTION) 5/13/2024 As the escalation of the genocide continues, an escalation on our end is demanded. We call on cities across the U.S. to participate in a collective blockade and occupation of cargo ports and railyards. To be clear, the one and only goal of this action is to economically affect the US for as long as possible. These actions will be autonomous and horizontally organized, with a respect for a diversity of tactics. Plans are already in the works for Seattle, with more info to be announced in June. We hope the radical orgs, crews,…
University of Michigan Regents Terrified of Students, Home Demos (Unsalted Counter Info) University of Michigan action at regant’s home in Lansing The following are links to the safeumich posfs about the action Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
HKI: Viimeaikaisia toimia (Punalippu)
Dokumentoimme viimeaikaisia toimia luokkataistelussa Helsingissä ja pääkaupunkiseudulla.
Ohio Fur Farm Update (Unsalted Counter Info)
The Jorney Mink Ranch in Alliance, OH was raided three times by the Animal Liberation Front.  In total, 11,000 wild mink were liberated from their cages at this now-former wildlife prison. “We now feel confident to say that the Jorney Mink Ranch (pictured here) and the B.J. Hoffman Fur Farm, both large farms in Ohio, are now closed, leaving only a handful of fur farms remaining in the state. Visit for our list of fur farms.” Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
Presentazione del libro “Sindacalismo e organizzazione insurrezionista” al Circolo Culturale Anarchico “Gogliardo Fiaschi” (Carrara, 23.05.2024) (Edizioni Monte Bove)
Presentazione del libro “Sindacalismo e organizzazione insurrezionista” al Circolo Culturale Anarchico “Gogliardo Fiaschi” (Carrara, 23.05.2024) Giovedì 23 maggio 2024 Presentazione del libro Sindacalismo e organizzazione insurrezionista Un volumetto, recentemente edito per le Edizioni Monte Bove, che raccoglie alcuni articoli di Errico Malatesta pubblicati nel periodo “classico” del sindacalismo, dalla nascita dei sindacati all’immediata vigilia della Grande Guerra.
24/25 maggio: due giorni per i consultori (Non una di meno - Trieste/Trst)
I CONSULTORI SONO NOSTRI! Sono passati cento giorni dalla chiusura dei consultori di San Giacomo e San Giovanni e la città ne sta vivendo le conseguenze. Per questo, il 24 e il 25 maggio torniamo in piazza per una due-giorni di lotta e partecipazione collettiva per i consultori pubblici, assieme a Non una di meno e alla Rete dei consultori e delle consultorie che si mobilitano in tutta Italia. A Trieste, scendiamo in piazza per protestare contro il dimezzamento dei consultori Porteremo in piazza i servizi che ci sono stati sottratti, e quelli che vorremmo ci fossero, allestendo un consultorio […]
Domenica 19 maggio al CPR di Ponte Galeria! Libertà per Seif! (Coordinamenta femminista e lesbica di collettivi e singole - Roma)
Domenica 19 maggio alle ore 16 presidio davanti al CPR di Ponte Galeria Seif Bensouibat cittadino algerino, rifugiato politico in Italia dal 6/12/2013, educatore da anni del liceo francese di Roma Chateaubriand, laico, incensurato e privo di carichi pendenti,  scioccato per le immagini provenienti da Gaza, nel gennaio scorso scriveva alcuni post rabbiosi, carichi di risentimento per la potenza coloniale israeliana e nei confronti dei suoi alleati paesi occidentali. Post pubblicati su un profilo chiuso di instagram. In conseguenza di tali esternazioni giunte a conoscenza dell’istituto francese e prontamente da questo comunicate alla Digos veniva dapprima sottoposto a perquisizione domiciliare […]
Pietre, vernice e acido butirrico contro la sede della Confederazione delle Forze Armate tedeche e contro l’agenzia ZUG (Berlino, Germania, maggio 2024) (La Nemesi)
Pietre, vernice e acido butirrico contro la sede della Confederazione delle Forze Armate tedeche e contro l’agenzia ZUG (Berlino, Germania, maggio 2024)   Stiamo cospirando | Contro la guerra e il capitalismo “verde” | Attacco contro la Confederazione delle Forze Armate e la ZUG (Futuro – Ambiente – Società) Mentre a Grünheide cominciano le giornate di azione contro Tesla, ci siamo incontrati nella Stresemannstraße, a Berlino, e abbiamo attaccato con pietre, vernice e acido butirrico due istituzioni simbolo della militarizzazione, della guerra e delle false promesse del capitalismo “verde”. Non c’è nulla su cui sorvolare. I cambiamenti climatici sono in […]
in Palestina prima e dopo il 7 ottobre: un video di Karem da Haifa (differx)
importante: youtube ha rimosso questo video (che avevo scaricato da ig e caricato sul mio account yt @differx-2), quindi *va assolutamente visto e condiviso*:
Max Schreiber – Wohnsitz in Dresden, aber Kandidatur in Heidenau? (Antifa Recherche Team Dresden)
Der Dauerdemonstrant und Querulant Max Schreiber erzählt viel, wenn der Tag lang ist, auf seinen diversen Social-Media-Kanälen oder den von ihm zahlreich angemeldeten und durchgeführten Demonstrationen. Meist ist es eine Mischung aus plumper Hetze gegen jede:n und alles, was ihm nicht passt, und gequirltem Unsinn. Manchmal nur plumper Hass. Manchmal nur gequirlter Unsinn. Selbstpostuliert natürlich … weiterlesen
Inizio del processo contro due anarchici accusati di cospirazione volta alla commissione di un reato e poster in solidarietà (Germania, maggio 2024) (La Nemesi)
Inizio del processo contro due anarchici accusati di cospirazione volta alla commissione di un reato e poster in solidarietà (Germania, maggio 2024) Il 27 maggio, presso il tribunale di Moabit a Berlino, inizierà il processo contro due anarchici accusati di «cospirazione volta alla commissione di un reato (incendio) in concorso con ignoti». Le accuse risalgono alla notte tra il 15 e il 16 febbraio 2023, quando due persone vennero localizzate grazie alla termo-camera di un elicottero della polizia federale impegnato in un volo di ricognizione per la sorveglianza delle infrastrutture ferroviarie che, prontamente, segnalò la loro presenza all’interno di un […]
(ri)SCRITTURE POLIFROCE (Gruppo Anarchico Germinal)
La società in cui viviamo ci impone il concetto di etero-mononormatività, affermando che la monogamia sia l’unico orientamento relazionale valido, degno di diritti e di rappresentazione. Spesso non ci sentiamo sicurə di vivere o condividere altre forme relazionali, perché non troviamo le parole adatte o per paura di essere giudicatə. Altre volte siamo curiosə di sperimentare altri tipi di relazioni, senza però avere modelli di rappresentazione. SmarzaPride vi invita a (ri)SCRITTURE POLIFROCE, un pomeriggio dedicato al tema degli orientamenti relazionali non-monogami, in cui parlare liberamente delle proprie esperienze e dubbi, in cui mettere in gioco la propria creatività per riprendere […]
Kecerdasaan Agresif: Sebuah Refleksi Kunjungan ke Tepi Barat (This Machine Kills Fascists)
Di Nablus, setiap jalan sepertinya memiliki salon rambut pria. Jumlahnya ada ribuan. Kebanyakan dari mereka tetap buka sampai setidaknya pukul dua malam; seringkali selain masjid, tempat ini adalah satu-satunya tempat yang masih terang dan buka pada pukul dua malam; dan sepertinya setiap kali Anda melewati salah satunya, kemungkinan besar ada empat atau lima pria muda berpenampilan rapi berkumpul di dalam, mengamati seseorang yang rambutnya sedang dipotong. Anehnya, salon rambut wanita sepertinya tidak ada sama sekali. Kadang-kadang Anda melihat poster iklan kosmetik dan produk rambut wanita yang mengesankan; sering kali, wanita-wanita tersebut berambut pirang (banyak juga warga Palestina di Nablus yang […]
Episodio 5.24 (La nave dei folli)
Episodio 5.24 Questa volta niente introduzione cibernetica…     Sommario 5.24 HAI PAURA? Insalata mista di propaganda televisiva durante la campagna vaccinale Covid-19 del 2021 (Politici, medici e conduttori televisivi vari tra cui: Mario Draghi, Eugenio Giani, Matteo Salvini, Papa Francesco, Vincenzo De Luca, Emilio Fede che inquisisce Gigi Riva, Claudio Amendola, Lilli Gruber, Mara Vernier, Myrta Merlino, Giovanni Floris, Matteo Bassetti e altre Virostar. Video selezionati dal Canale Telegram Resistenza Attiva) + Collin Powell all’ONU mente di fronte al mondo sulle armi di distruzione di massa di Saddam per giustificare l’invasione dell’Iraq da parte degli Stati Uniti d’America (2003) […]
Episodio 5.24 (La nave dei folli)
Episodio 5.24 Questa volta niente introduzione cibernetica…     Sommario 5.24 HAI PAURA? Insalata mista di propaganda televisiva durante la campagna vaccinale Covid-19 del 2021 (Politici, medici e conduttori televisivi vari tra cui: Mario Draghi, Eugenio Giani, Matteo Salvini, Papa Francesco, Vincenzo De Luca, Emilio Fede che inquisisce Gigi Riva, Claudio Amendola, Lilli Gruber, Mara Vernier, Myrta Merlino, Giovanni Floris, Matteo Bassetti e altre Virostar. Video selezionati dal Canale Telegram Resistenza Attiva) + Collin Powell all’ONU mente di fronte al mondo sulle armi di distruzione di massa di Saddam per giustificare l’invasione dell’Iraq da parte degli Stati Uniti d’America (2003) […]
Prozess-Tag Nr. 4 vom 15. Mai 2024 (PU-Watch)
Abkürungen: VR … Vorsitzender Richter GBA … Generalbundesanwalt oder Generalbundesanwältin [Prozessbeginn: 9.48 Uhr] Der VR fragt nach der Verhandlungsfähigkeit des Angeklagten Ralf S. Dieser gab an, er wolle keine Aussage machen aufgrund seines gesundheitlichen Zustands. Der Senat beschließt daher die Beschuldigtenvernehmung von Ralf S. zu verlegen und die Beweisaufnahme im Fall von Markus L. vorzuziehen, dem eine versuchte Tötung bei der Durchsuchung seiner Wohnung am 22. März 2023 zur Last gelegt wird. Den Verteidiger*innen wird das Vernehmungsprotokoll der Angeklagten und ehemaligen AfD-Bundestagsabgeordneten Birgit Malsack-Winkelmann, die bei ihrem Haftprüfungstermin am 6. Mai 2024 mehrere Stunden lang Angaben gemacht hatte, zur Verfügung […]
Redebeitrag Sektion Ökologie am Demonstration „Wasser. Wald. Gerechtigkeit“ (Perspektive Selbstverwaltung)
Am 11.05.2024 haben wir uns als Ökologie-Sektion von Perspektive Selbstverwaltung an der Demonstration „Wasser. Wald. Gerechtigkeit.“ vom Bündnis „Tesla den Hahn abdrehen“ beteiligt. Zusammen mit der Plattform Berlin sprachen wir in einem Redebeitrag für die Arbeitskampf Solidaritätsgruppe vom Bündnis über eine Perspektive, die über Demos und Apelle hinaus geht.
Video della presentazione di “Vivendo la mia vita” di Emma Goldman (Gruppo Anarchico Germinal)
New educational session: Anarchistic Concepts (Nattsvart Verkstad)
If you have access to a printer, help us spread the word by printing and sharing the flyers with people you meet. Click here to get the downloadable printable PDF of the flyer (3 flyers per A4 printed). See you on the 2nd of June! Love & Rage Nattsvart Verkstad
Trentino. Davide (Cisla) in carcere (La Nemesi)
Trentino. Davide (Cisla) in carcere Nel primo pomeriggio del 15 maggio, un gruppo di carabinieri si è presentato in un’abitazione tra Rovereto e Trento e si è portato via Davide (il “Cisla”), un nostro carissimo amico e compagno di lotte in Trentino e altrove. Rifiutatagli la richiesta di scontare la condanna agli arresti domiciliari, dovrà passare 6 mesi e 20 giorni di condanna definitiva in regime di semilibertà (pernottamento in carcere con permesso di uscire per lavorare) presso la sezione dedicata del carcere di Spini di Gardolo (Tn). La condanna è relativa all’occupazione dell’ufficio del sindaco di Mori nel 2016, […]
Memoria y Kontrakultura. Jornada por el compañero Mauricio Morales (Santiago, Chile, 18 de mayo 2024) (La Nemesi)
Memoria y Kontrakultura. Jornada por el compañero Mauricio Morales (Santiago, Chile, 18 de mayo 2024) Memoria y Kontrakultura, ¡Punki Mauri presente! La madrugada del 22 de mayo de 2009 muere en acción el compañero anárquico Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri, cuando estalló anticipadamente el artefacto explosivo que portaba con destino a atacar la escuela de carceleros, en barrio Matta, Santiago. La muerte de un guerrero no pasará jamás desapercibida para nosotrxs. Recordar y traer a la calle a Mauri, a través de esta iniciativa, también es una forma de validar una posición de lucha frontal -como la que él eligió en […]
Sobre la jornada por el compañero Mauricio Morales y los 81 presos asesinados en el incendio de la cárcel de San Miguel (Santiago, Chile, 8 de mayo 2024) (La Nemesi)
Sobre la jornada por el compañero Mauricio Morales y los 81 presos asesinados en el incendio de la cárcel de San Miguel (Santiago, Chile, 8 de mayo 2024) El 8 de mayo se levantó la jornada Memoria Anticarcelaria, en recuerdo del compañero anárquico Mauricio Morales y los 81 presos asesinados en el incendio de la cárcel de San Miguel. La instancia se realizó a las afueras de dicha prisión, contó con música, pantallazos, palabras, propaganda, feria antiautoritaria y finalizó con un clásico «barrotazo». Esta jornada busca traer a la calle al compañero Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri, quien murió la madrugada […]
Αμαλία Καζαμπάκα: ρατσισμός και η εισαγγελία στην δίκη των 6 της Μόριας (Open Assembly Against Border Violence Lesvos)
Την Παρασκευή 8 Μαρτίου, ένας νεαρός άνδρας από το Αφγανιστάν, ένας από τους 6 της Μόριας, καταδικάστηκε σε δεύτερο βαθμό με ποινή 8 χρόνια φυλάκισης, καθώς κρίθηκε ένοχος για τον εμπρησμό του ΚΥΤ της Μόριας το 2020. Τα μέλη της Ανοιχτής Συνέλευσης Ενάντια στη Συνοριακή Βία Λέσβου ήταν παρόντα στη δικαστική αίθουσα της Μυτιλήνης για τέσσερις ημέρες. Η εισαγγελέας πέρασε αυτές τις ημέρες ασχολούμενη -χωρίς καμία ντροπή- στη δίωξη του κατηγορουμένου, με ρατσιστικούς όρους. Το κείμενο μας, “Αμαλία Καζαμπάκα: ρατσισμός και η εισαγγελία στην δίκη των 6 της Μόριας“, αντιμετωπίζει τα λόγια της εισαγγελέως. Πάρτε το Ελληνικό Φυλλάδιο PDF! Πάρτε […]
Le molteplici facce del neofascismo brasiliano (comitatocarlosfonseca)
Fernando De La Cuadra I discorsi di odio, totalitari e fanatici della nuova destra brasiliana non sono nati con Bolsonaro. Al contrario, quest’ultimo è stato la conseguenza della precedente disseminazione di quelli. Un nuovo documentario narra con precisione i particolari di quel processo.
Amalia Kazabaka: racism and the prosecution of the Moria 6 (Open Assembly Against Border Violence Lesvos)
On 8 March 2024 a young man from Afghanistan, one of the Moria 6, was sentenced on appeal to 8 years in prison after being convicted of burning down Moria camp in 2020. Members of the Open Assembly Against Border Violence Lesvos were present in the courtroom of Mytilene for four days. The public prosecutor, spent these days engaged in the shameless racist persecution of the defendant. Our text “Amalia Kazabaka: racism and the prosecution of the Moria 6” looks at the prosecutor’s words. Get the English PDF! Get the Greek PDF!
Resistance Carries Out First Air Strike on Zionist Entity Since 1973 (Abolition Media)
The Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah – announced that it had targeted the settlement of Metula, and a Zionist garrison and vehicles in the vicinity of the settlement’s military site through an attack drone armed with two S5 rockets. The airstrike marked the first-ever airstrike launched by Lebanon, Hezbollah’s first-ever airstrike, and the first airstrike to be carried out against the occupation since the October 1973 war. In its statement, the resistance said that when the drone reached the designated point, it fired two rockets at one of the vehicles and the soldiers gathered around it, inflicting devastating damage on […]
On May 1st in downtown Portland, 50-60 people gathered in a black bloc at the edge of the Palestine Solidarity March, which was comprised of several hundred people. Inspired by the combative student protests all over the country, our goal was simple: disrupt business as usual; bring the war home. There is no peace in […]
Who is Mohammad Deif, the Resistance Leader, Bane of ‘Israel’? (Abolition Media)
Mohmmad Deif is a name that is no stranger to headlines and media discussions at a time when he coordinated and dealt what is arguably the most devastating blow to the Israeli occupation since its inception, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, giving hope to the Arab and all the righteous people that “Israel” was not that invincible entity it has proclaimed to be. While picking holes in the Israeli occupation’s deterrence has been his profession for decades at this point, little is known about the Resistance leader who has put Hamas at the top of the list of threats to the very […]
Anarchist Political Prisoner, Malik Muhammad, is on Hunger Strike and Needs Help! (Abolition Media)
2020 uprising rebel and political prisoner Malik Muhammad is currently being held in solitary confinement. Prison staff took away all of his property and put him in a cell with no bed, no blanket, and no shirt. He has a slipped disk in his back and previous shoulder injuries that make sleeping on the hard floor torturously painful, and he cannot be sleeping without a bed. Prison staff have also been blasting the AC in his cell nonstop and kept it punishingly freezing. Malik has been on hunger strike since May 13 and will continue until prison staff give him […]
Zine: notes for encampments and escalations (unravel)
screen reading – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/PXMYr0A4hC#Re73/L9vU6UTvaz03XWAmGDwiHiPBN0jYJbmTF2tNAM= double-sided printing (borderless) – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/aYRXAVaPsL#NAKTwpXG6fuemHqVwp0qGN1cYM4E368kl/UlrxA+XEE= double-sided printing (with margins) – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/zGw256dvzq#Uy6I16mOzpnN0BbVCAhlJPjTdYqU1+KqIcLqkQtf7wI= via Tax Resistance Collective:
Freedom to the Fighter Andreas F. (Mesologgi ,Greece) (Abolition Media)
On the 22nd Andreas F. was kidnapped by the lackeys of counter-terrorism and the conventional police of Patras. He was taken to Athens for questioning and imprisoned. The cops raided his house, trying to find anything that could contribute to their fabricated incriminatory account. On the 26th the attack on the struggling social base by orgious repression was supplemented by an attack on the “Annex” university occupation and the arrest of 26 comrades. The dogs of the state undertake ruthless war against the movement of Patras in order to completely crush it. What has happened is more contemporary than ever, […]
Comrades Confront TAE Police Station in Solidarity With Murdered Migrant from Bangladesh. 10 arrested, Two Wounded: Limassol, Cyprus (Abolition Media)
A protest took place in Limassol on Saturday, 13 April, 2024 concerning the death of a migrant worker from Bangladesh on Wednesday 17 April. In a statement calling for a protest circulating on social media, it is mentioned that “the fact that migrants chose to risk their lives rather than be in the hands of the state shows us the treatment that migrants receive when they are in the hands of the state and how just the thought of being deported makes risking their lives a one-way street.” “It is our duty to flood the streets, local people and migrants […]
Popular Front Confirms Resistance Retains High Combat Capabilities (Abolition Media)
The resistance shows high combat capabilities and causes the zionist enemy to fall into death ambushes. Escalation of occupation massacres are retaliatory operations to compensate for its heavy losses. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirm that the escalation of occupation massacres in recent hours, the intensification of the bombing and the targeting of a large number of homes by the Air Force and “belts of fire” in Jabalia, Gaza, and Rafah, and the continued closure of the crossings and the war of starvation are operations of revenge for the zionist enemy, to compensate for the heavy losses […]
Monroe Doctrine 5.0 (Abolition Media)
On December 2, 1823, 200 years since the Monroe Doctrine coexisted badly among us, it is a foreign policy prudent and formalized by the then president of the United States, James Monroe. With this doctrine, a hemisphere of influence and control of the United States was established, at the same time, it placed limits on European countries in the face of their possible interference in the region, these were times of independence gestures. It argues there, the country of the North, that any territory in America is of its exclusive interest and that any country that attempts relations or interventions […]
Anarchist May Day Parade Storms Through Fulton Market – Chicago, IL (unravel)
On May 1, 2024, a group of rabble rousers and freaks took part in an anarchist May Day parade that stormed through the Fulton Market neighborhood of Chicago. Before leaving Union Park, people danced around a May Pole in costumes, shared food, laughter and music and then hit the streets. The group of about 80 […]
Ponencia sobre el Movimiento Estudiantil | Primera parte: el pasado del movimiento estudiantil. La transición democrática (1975-1990) (Siembra - Órgano de expresión de URJCombativa)
Recogemos en esta primera entrada el contenido de parte de la charla que se ofreció en el marco de las I Jornadas Combativas a lo largo de noviembre de 2023 en la URJC donde, en el encuentro Pasado, presente y futuro del movimiento estudiantil, la Comisión de Formación de URJCombativa elaboró dos ponencias, abordando, por un lado, una revisión de parte de la historia del Movimiento Estudiantil: El movimiento estudiantil fue un pilar fundamental para la transición política. La transición política va precedida de la transición social, creada en los entornos universitarios. La generación de universitarios durante la transición configuraron un…
Solidarity and Freedom for Palestine! (Berlin Palestine Solidarity)
This blog attempts to document events and actions which have been happening in Berlin, Germany in solidarity with the Palestinian people since 2024. Dieser Blog versucht, Veranstaltungen und Aktionen zu dokumentieren, die seit 2024 in Berlin, Deutschland, in Solidarität mit Palästina stattfinden.
Internationale Koalition gegen UN-Flüchtlingskonvention: Neue faschistische Regierung in den Niederlanden will UN-Flüchtlingskonvention angreifen (Riot Turtle: Writing and Translating)
In den frühen Morgenstunden des 16. Mai 2024 stimmte auch die VVD-Fraktion einstimmig dem Koalitionsvertrag für eine rechtsextreme niederländische Regierung zu. Die Fraktionen der faschistischen PVV und die Steigbügelhalter*innen von NSC und BBB hatten in den Stunden zuvor schon einstimmig zugestimmt. Damit nimmt der nächste faschistische Regierung in einem EU Mitgliedstaat jetzt Form an. Eine Regierung, die auch international schwerwiegende Folgen haben könnte, denn die niederländischen Faschisten und ihre Koalitionspartner suchen internationale Verbündete, um gemeinsam die EU-Migrationspolitik weiter zu verschärfen, aber auch um die UN-Flüchtlingskonvention zu „modernisieren“.
Communique on the recent attack on AirBnb – Portland, OR (unravel)
On the eve of May Day, we acted in solidarity with those struggling to survive against the genocidal state of Israel, and with the student occupations who seek to end this genocide from within the belly of the beast. A small unorganized group of your neighbors targeted and redecorated a number of AirBnb's in the […]
Lesekreis zum 06.06.2024 (Gruppe Gesellschaftskritik Freiburg)
Anlässlich der geplanten Demonstration gegen Rechtsextremismus vom 02. Juni laden wir zu einem kleinen Lesekreis zur Broschüre „Falsche Kritik zur rechten Zeit – Wenn Patriot*innen die AfD kritisieren“ von GKN (Verlinkung) ein. Teaser:Der Aufstieg der AfD hat gründlich in die Parteienlandschaft eingeschlagen. Die etablierten Parteien, bürgerliche Öffentlichkeit sowie bürgerliche und linke Zivilgesellschaft haben den Aufstieg …
Download and Print (sobrenmotius)
Drugi Komunikat Vulkangruppe po ataku na fabrykę Tesli pod Berlinem (Czarna Teoria)
List otwarty do inicjatywy obywatelskiej w Grünheide i sojuszu “Tesla den Hahn abdrehen”(1). Do różnych organizacji i grup działania. Do osób okupujących las. Do gospodarstw domowych dotkniętych przerwą w dostawie prądu. My, “Vulkangruppe Tesla abschalten!”(2), mówimy tylko za siebie. Nie wypowiadamy się w imieniu innych Vulkangruppen(3). Niemniej jednak zosta__śmy zainspirowan_ treścią działań innych Vulkangruppen i wykorzystujemy sformułowania oraz treści, które nas przekonały. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, podzielamy działania prowadzone przez Vulkangruppen od 2011 roku. To tyle, jeśli chodzi o liczne spekulacje na temat naszej grupy “Vulkangruppe Tesla abschalten!”. Nie wypowiadamy się ani w imieniu inicjatywy obywatelskiej w Grünheide, ani sojuszu “Tesla […]
May Day reportback – Philadelphia, PA (unravel)
Philly May Day demo-actions are back baby!!!! This May Day, Philly anarchists went back to doing what we do best….anti-gentrification and anti-prison actions. The evening started out with a demo at the juvenile detention center in West Philly. Around 20 of us walked from the meet-up spot to the parking lot behind the facility, where […]
Vandals throw glass bottles filled with purple paint, breaking apartment windows – Philadelphia, PA (unravel)
May 1, 2024 Surveillance video shows 10 suspects smashing windows on the first floor with hammers. Police say the damage is estimated at $100,000. In all, 27 windows were smashed, the owner said, with glass shattered onto residents' beds. The vandalism happened in the late evening hours of May 1 at the Olympic Tower Apartments […]
LA CIÉNAGA = CEE (Los nuestros, las libres.)
Vuelven cíclicamente las fakenews electorales. Esta vez a lo grande. Son las europeas. Gobiernos convertidos ya en subdelegados de uno de los tres polos capitalistas que surgen tras la caída de la URSS. Se preparan para la guerra. Los diferentes pueblos ante la probabilidad de la misma, serán los figurantes y en la confrontación pondrán los muertos. La OTAN es la bandera de enganche. Curiosamente se creó para combatir a la Unión Soviética y resulta que tras la caída ya no hay enemigo. Sin embargo, su potenciación y extensión es una realidad. La guerra geoestratégica de “baja intensidad” hace años […]
Hermannsburg, Niemcy: Atak z użyciem materiałów wybuchowych na dom Armina Pappergera, dyrektora Rheinmetall (Czarna Teoria)
Atak z użyciem materiałów wybuchowych na Armina Pappergera, Wyłączyć Rheinmetall! W nocy z 28 na 29 kwietnia 2024 r. przeprowadziłyśmy atak na posiadłość Armina Pappergera w Hermannsburgu, przy ulicy Turnerstraße na rogu Immenhoop, gdzie urządzenie zapalające zostało umieszczone na jego szopie ogrodowej. Papperger jest dyrektorem generalnym Rheinmetall, jednego z największych graczy w niemieckim przemyśle zbrojeniowym. Papperger czuje się w Südheide jak w domu. W otoczeniu wojskowych poligonów i niedaleko centrum szkolenia bojowego GÜZ w Altmark. Fabryka Rheinmetall w Unterlüß znajduje się zaledwie kilka kroków stąd. To tutaj tysiące robotników przymusowych pracowało w zakładach Rheinmetall-Borsig dla niemieckiej gospodarki wojennej. W regionie, […]
¡Jueces! Yo tampoco me los creo (Los nuestros, las libres.)
¡Jueces! Yo tampoco me los creo.
rage against the machine learning (Infoladen Schwarzmarkt Hamburg)
Im Nachtrag zu unserer Veranstaltung „Ein politisches Desaster: ChatGPT als Hegemonieverstärker“ gibt  es im Laden jetzt die Textreihe zu künstlicher Intelligenz von capulcu. Kommt vorbei und holt sie euch!
Imprenditore catanzarese, Michele Giglio in odore di ‘ndrangheta: scatta il sequestro di oltre un milione di euro (Never Off Line)
Il provvedimento chiesto e ottenuto dalla Direzione distrettuale di Catanzaro: sigilli a numerosi terreni e fabbricati oltre a quote societarie e conti correnti La Divisione anticrimine della Questura di Catanzaro, coordinata dalla Direzione distrettuale antimafia guidata dal procuratore Nicola Gratteri, hanno dato esecuzione a un sequestro preventivo di beni immobili, mobili e disponibilità finanziarie riconducibili a un imprenditore della provincia di Catanzaro, operante nel settore della progettazione ed installazione di impianti elettrici, in quanto indiziato di appartenere ad una associazione mafiosa. In precedenza l’imprenditore era stato riconosciuto partecipe dell’associazione di ‘ndrangheta operante nel territorio a cavallo tra le province di…