
HPG Publishes Balance Sheet of War for April (Abolition Media)
The HPG Press Center said on its war balance sheet for April that “the Kurdistan Freedom Guerilla entered the spring with the enthusiasm of Newroz and welcomed the month of April with the spirit of resistance.” The statement added: “The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla, which continues its struggle with the Apoist sacrificial spirit everywhere, from Baku Kurdistan provinces to Medya Defense Areas, continued its resistance with the same determination in April.” The HPG said: “The invading Turkish army carried out operations in many areas in Bakur Kurdistan provinces in April, from Dêrsîm to Mêrdîn, from Botan to Colemêrg. However, none of […]
Pranzo del Quartiere 12/05/2024 (Occupazione Via del Leone 60/62)
Pranzo condiviso il 12/05/2024 alle 13.12 in Via del Leone 60/62. Porta ciò che vorresti trovare lì. Questa volta si presentano varie realtà di scuole medie superiore di Firenze.
Störaktion am AfD-Infostand / Die rechte Welle brechen! (OTFR)
Heute, am 04. Mai, wollte die AfD mal wieder ihre rassistische Hetze an einem Infostand in der Reutlinger Innenstadt ver-breiten. Kurzentschlossen sind wir also heute morgen nach Reutlingen gefahren, denn einen Monat vor den Kommunwalwahlen heißt es für uns: den rechten Wahlkampf sabotieren! Während SPD, Grüne, CDU und Freie Wähler seelenruhig in direkter Nähe zur AfD Wahlkampf machten, haben wir ihren Infostand für kurze Zeit blockiert. Die Parole „Staat und Nazis Hand in Hand“ hat sich heute wieder mal bewahrheitet: Offensichtlich hatte sich die Reutlinger Polizei mit dem AfD-Gemeinderatsabgeordneten Hansjörg Schrade abgesprochen, denn sie wartete schon um der Ecke auf […]
The ‘Green’ Farce Everywhere & Nowhere Else – towards destroying electric mobility & decarbonizing lies (Scenes from the Atlanta Forest)
Printed in Return Fire vol.6 chap.6 (spring 2024). To read the articles referenced throughout this text in [square brackets], PDFs of Return Fire and related publications can be read, downloaded and printed by visiting or emailing [ed. – Taken from the German-language website, this translation continues our interventions in the new climate […]
Complicità arboree. Primi appunti sulla lotta al Don Bosco (SOTTOBOSKO1312)
2 Maggio 2024 Quattro mesi di una lotta inaspettata. Da quando abbiamo preso a cuore il parco Don Bosco, una sequenza potente di eventi ci ha attraversato. Qualche prima riflessione buttata giù tra gli alberi in fiore.   Cronologia della lotta donboschiana – chronologie de la lutte EN FRANCAIS Reflections sur la lutte du parc Don Bosco EN FRANCAIS La città di Bologna vive spesso una segmentazione, un sistema di frontiere invisibili e funzionali al “buon governo” del Partito Democratico. Segmentazione tra città e campagna, tra studenti fuorisede e bolognesi un po’ più anziani, tra ciclisti e automobilisti, tra quartieri […]
Scontri alle scuole Besta 3 Aprile 2024 (SOTTOBOSKO1312)
30/40 Jahre EZLN »Das Gemeinschaftliche und das Nicht-Eigentum« (gira zapatista red hamburgo)
30/40 Jahre EZLN »Das Gemeinschaftliche und das Nicht-Eigentum« Jetzt im Buchhandel / Infoladen oder über den Verlag – die Sammlung der Communicados aus dem Herbst 2023 layoutet in Buchform.
Sabato 4 maggio/ la condizione dei lavoratori in Palestina (Coordinamenta femminista e lesbica di collettivi e singole - Roma)
Stasera non perdetevi la proiezione di Bread and Butter , un documentario sulla condizione dei lavoratori in Palestina alle ore 19 a via Galilei 53 Roma organizzata dai Giovani Palestinesi. A seguire dibattito
Riceviamo e diffondiamo: La sera del 28 aprile ha avuto luogo al cpr di Gradisca un altro tentativo di fuga. Otto prigionieri hanno cercato di evadere, fortunatamente tre di essi sono riusciti a far perdere le proprie tracce, complice il buio. Un altro, cadendo dal muro di cinta si è fratturato la caviglia ed è stato trasportato all’ospedale (ci risulta attualmente libero), gli altri, alla fine di una notte passata sui tetti, sono stati poi riportati nelle celle dalle guardie. Il mese appena trascorso è stato molto movimentato all’interno del campo: il lancio del cibo avariato nei corridoi seguito da […]
UN HOMME ABATTU PAR LA POLICE À LOUVIERS (Anti.Média) Article de presse gratuit disponible Extrait Dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, un policier a tiré mortellement sur un homme à Louviers (Eure).
Giugno 2020 Con l’espressione “terzo genere” si cerca di descrivere tutti i soggetti il cui sesso, genere, ruolo di genere, espressione di genere o orientamento sessuale non rientra in uno schema binario ed eterosessista di maschio/femmina e maschile/ femminile. Il termine “terzo” sta ad indicare un generico “altro”; in alcune civiltà infatti gli antropologi hanno riscontrato l’esistenza di quattro, cinque, sette o più generi. “Terzo” sta anche ad indicare la rottura della dicotomia, la messa in crisi del modello dei due generi opposti e complementari. Può indicare un ampio spettro di soggettività: persone di entrambi i generi, di nessun genere, […]
premesse e conseguenze (e riparazioni) di un genocidio (differx)
se le premesse remote sono le menzogne che si leggono qui sotto evidenziate in rosso, si capisce bene come il sionismo abbia praticato e pratichi, e giustifichi, l’apartheid, la pulizia etnica e infine il genocidio dei Palestinesi:                  «Non esiste una cosa come il popolo palestinese. Non è come se noi siamo venuti e li abbiamo cacciati e preso il loro paese. Essi non esistono.» (Golda Meir, dichiarazione a The Sunday Times, 15 giugno 1969) «Come possiamo restituire i territori occupati? Non c’è nessuno a cui restituirli.» (Golda Meir, 8 marzo 1969) «A […]
Ottobre 2018 Una riflessione trans su transumanesimi trans-friendly, cyberfemminismi queer, ecologismi e femminismi transfobici Alex B. Scarica la versione stampa TRANS NON E’ TRANSHUMAN  
Compagnx arrestatx – Iniziativa “Genova in fiore” rinviata (Spazio di documentazione IL GRIMALDELLO)
Stanotte 8 compagni e compagne sono stati arrestatx davanti all’ex Latteria occupata e portatx in carcere. Perciò  ci troviamo costretti a rinviare l’iniziativa “Genova era in fiore”, prevista per oggi pomeriggio, per portare la nostra solidarietà davanti al carcere di Marassi alle ore 17 e a quello di Ponte X alle 18.30. Seguiranno aggiornamenti sulla nuova data.
Hölzerne Schuhe oder Plattformschuhe? Zur „Organisatorischen Plattform der Libertären Kommunisten“ (Anarchistische Büchermesse Berlin-Kreuzberg )
Entnommen aus anarchist library, wir haben die zitierten Stellen von „Organisationsplattform der Allgemeinen Anarchistischen Union (Entwurf)“ übernommen, aus der Seite, wenn uns auch an vielen Stellen die englische Version irgendwie ‚besser‘ übersetzt vorkamen. Weitere Texte die den Plattformismus angreifen und kritisieren werden die kommenden Tage folgen.
Aprile 2024 Appello per una mobilitazione internazionale ed internazionalista contro la guerra in Ucraina Assemblea sabotiamo la guerra Scarica la versione stampa SABOTIAMO LA GUERRA
WIE ANARCHISTISCH IST DIE PLATTFORM? (Anarchistische Büchermesse Berlin-Kreuzberg )
Hier eine Broschüre von Venomous Butterfly Publications, ‚How Anarchist is the Platform?‘, die Übersetzung ist von uns. Aufgrund großer Unterschiede zwischen der englischsprachigen und der deutschsprachigen Übersetzung, von denen es sowohl mehrere gibt, haben wir die Fassung auf die sich dieser Text bezieht selbst übersetzt. Es liegt also nicht an uns was die entschiedenen Differenzen zwischen den vielen Übersetzungen angeht. Wir hätten die gängige deutschsprachige Übersetzung verwenden können, was wir auch gerne getan hätten, denn es hätte uns viel Zeit erspart, welche auf der Nestor Makhno Info-Seite zu finden ist, aber einige Differenzen schienen uns jedoch zu groß zu sein.
Von der Soligruppe für Gefangene und die Zerstörung der Nation und des Staates übersetzt. Weitere Texte zu diesem Thema und dazu anhängende werden folgen.
Über die Schuppen im libertären Milieu (Anarchistische Büchermesse Berlin-Kreuzberg )
Gefunden auf der Seite der gleichnamigen Publikation Argelaga. Argelaga war eine anarchistische Publikation im spanischen Staat, sie existierte bis zum Jahr 2016, die Hauptthemen mit denen sich diese Publikation beschäftigte waren vor allem die Kritik an Technologie und Fortschritt, auch in seiner grünen Form, sowie die Verteidigung und Verbreitung der Kämpfe gegen die Zerstörung der Umwelt, aber nicht nur. Einer der bekanntesten Autoren war Miguel Amoròs, der in der französischen Publikation „Encyclopédie des Nuisances“ teilnahm, die von Jaime Semprún vorangetrieben wurde.
20 minutes Article de presse gratuit disponible Extrait Pour l’heure, il n’a pas été placé en garde à vue et ne fait l’objet d’aucune sanction administrative, souligne le quotidien régional Ouest-France qui révèle cette affaire.(…)Il gérait en famille, mais a depuis cessé cette activité immobilière complémentaire et aurait indiqué avoir vendu l’ensemble des logements, soit entre dix et 15 appartements dans la cité du Cadre noir.
Audio de la presentación de la campaña de goteo de Familias Frente A la Crueldad Carcelaria en La Libre de Santander (HENAS)
Pincha aquí para escuchar el audio El SÁBADO 20 DE ABRIL Familias Frente A la Crueldad Carcelaria compartieron en La Libre los motivos y objetivos de la campaña de petición de ayuda solidaria y otros detalles de su actividad. Ya han llegado al mínimo de la campaña de Goteo, no obstante, aún queda mucho por caminar en esta carrera de fondo. Si se superara el mínimo se podría llegar más lejos en los casos abiertos, e incluso poder asumir algún caso más. Como ya han comentado, se trata de atender económicamente los casos jurídicos que tienen abiertos: – El de […]
PDF version Dear comrades! We in the KRAS-IWA, as heirs to the anarchist anti-militarist tradition of the 1915 Manifesto, welcome participants in the international conference who have gathered to speak out against capitalist war and capitalist so-called “peace” and to denounce the supposed leftists and pseudo-anarchists who take sides in the capitalist wars. We hope that this forum will be an important step in establishing practical interaction from below and across all organizational boundaries between all genuine anti-war and anti-militarist social revolutionary forces. Unfortunately, the situation in this country and the difficulty of communication with foreign Europe do not give […]
Chalonnes/Loire ouvre les bras aux racistes : la fête des vins accueil le fourneau de « la Flamme Angevine » (Réseau Angevin Antifasciste)
Nous reproduisons ci-dessous un communiqué d’Habitant.e.s révolté.e.s quant à l’accueil de « la Flamme Angevine » lors de la fête des vins du 18 et 19 mai : Depuis trois ans, la fête des vins de Chalonnes sur Loire permet à l’entreprise « la Flamme Angevine » de venir s’installer pendant deux jours et préparer des fouées. Cette entreprise est dirigée par deux personnes Hervé le Morvan et Jean-Eudes Gannat, figures de l’ultra droite locale, condamnés ou poursuivies toutes deux pour faits de violence. Ils étaient tous les deux membres actifs de l’alvarium, association fasciste dissoute en 2023 (en raison de leur implication « dans […]
Ateny, Grecja: Dzień akcji międzynarodowej solidarności z aresztowaną towarzyszką Danielą Klette oraz innymi prześladowanymi członkami RAF (Czarna Teoria)
W niedzielę, 14 kwietnia, odpowiadając na wezwanie Międzynarodowej Czerwonej Pomocy w sprawie międzynarodowego dnia akcji solidarności z aresztowaną towarzyszką Daniellą Klette oraz towarzyszami E.Staubem i B.Garwegiem, którzy są represjonowani jako członkowie RAF-u, zorganizowałyśmy zgromadzenie solidarnościowe przed niemiecką ambasadą. Zgromadzenie trwało około godziny, a uczestniczący w nim towarzysze wykrzykiwali hasła. Na ulicy Loukianou odsłonięto transparent i rozdawano ulotki. Tekst wystąpienia: 26 lutego 2024 roku, po 34 latach nielegalnego życia, Daniela Klette została aresztowana, oskarżona o udział we Frakcji Czerwonej Armii (RAF), a także o serię napadów na banki po rozwiązaniu organizacji w 1998 roku. W tym samym czasie Federalny Urząd Policji […]
КОНГРЕС ПРОТИВ ВОЙНАТА / ПРАГА / от 24 до 26 май 2024 г. / (Action week - 2024 - Akční týden)
От 20 до 26 май 2024 г. групи и отделни лица от различни части на света ще се срещнат в Прага, за да координират антивоенни дейности в рамките на Седмицата на действието. Поредицата от събития ще включва и антивоенен конгрес, който ще се проведе от петък 24 до неделя 26 май 2024 г. На конгреса ще бъдат представени кампании, преки действия, проекти, публикации и анализи, свързани с въпроса за войната. Наред с други неща, това интернационалистическо събитие ще служи като отворена асамблея, която ще се опита да съчетае теоретичната подготовка с практически дейности.
Report from A15 at the Port of Olympia, WA (unravel)
An international call went out for a coordinated economic blockade for a free Palestine for April 15th. While many people probably decided to go north to Seattle, where they blockaded the Sea-Tac international airport, a small group of us got together and decided to plan what we could to here in Olympia. It's cool and […]
Mastodon 101 (Opstand - Anarchistische Plek 070)
Ancora sul campus studentesco a Monfalcone (Circolo Libertario Caffè Esperanto)
Avevamo già espresso la nostra posizione circa il progetto di un campus studentesco a Monfalcone nella zona di via Grado in un'area agricola distante dal centro cittadino. Il 24 aprile la variante per il campus è stata approvata in comune le osservazioni – tra cui quella che avevamo presentato noi – sono state tutte respinte… una volta esistevano i campi di sterminio, oggi siamo allo sterminio dei campi" A. Zanzotto
Selle und Schepansky offen ab 20:00h (A-Tram)
Und Tadaa! Die Überraschung ist: Nach unserem tollen Fest am 1.Mai beehren uns die unehelichen Kinder aus dem Schoß von Mutter Punk von @sellundschepanksy aus Wien! Offen ist ab 20:00h kommt rum und habt eine schöne Zeit!
Sovraimplicazioni. Incontro con Renato Curcio (CIRCOLO ANARCHICO "PONTE DELLA GHISOLFA")
Presentazione del libro di Renato Curcio “Sovraimplicazioni” le interferenze del capitalismo cibernetico nelle pratiche della vita quotidiana. Domenica 12 maggio 2024 ore 17 Circolo Anarchico Ponte della Ghisolfa Viale Monza 255 Milano LE INTERFERENZE DEL CAPITALISMO CIBERNETICO NELLE PRATICHE DI VITA QUOTIDIANA Il percorso nell’infrastruttura di Internet qui proposto mette in evidenza le sovraimplicazioni che gravano sulle nostre pratiche quotidiane e i cambiamenti antropologici che esse comportano. Alle sovraimplicazioni del sistema geopolitico di novecentesca memoria si sono affiancate negli ultimi decenni le limitazioni e gli indirizzamenti propri del capitalismo cibernetico. Il quale, con l’implementazione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, e nella crescente ibridazione […]
The Divine Hosts (Abolition Media)
The U.S. military presence in Latin America is growing stronger and its expansionist plan is intensifying every day through the Southern Command led by General Laura Richardson, due to its growing interest in controlling lithium, water sources, Venezuelan oil, gold and copper, and of course the Amazon. The head of the Southern Command travels from south to north of the assigned territory with the clear purpose of scaring away her eventual competitors: China, Russia and Iran. For the United States, this competition for resources is a matter of “national security.” When it comes to a matter of “national security”, for […]
verso il corteo del 18 maggio (Affilare le armi della conoscenza)
HPG: 4 Soldiers Killed, 5 Surveillance Cameras and 1 Tent Destroyed (Abolition Media)
Four members of the occupying forces have been killed by guerrillas in the Metîna region, which is threatened by a Turkish invasion. According to the press office of the People’s Defence Forces (HPG), details of the latest actions by the guerrillas and attacks by the Turkish army in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) are as follows: “Metîna region; On 2 May at 18:30, the invaders who entered a tent in Golka Resistance Area were targeted and struck with medium automatic weapons. In this action, 4 invaders were punished, and the tent was destroyed. Şehîd Delîl […]
New US Anti-Semitism Definition Aims to Thwart Student Uprising: PFLP (Abolition Media)
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) declared that the US House of Representatives’ vote in favor of expanding the definition of the term “anti-Semitism” is an attempt to thwart the university uprising and legitimize the policy of repression and abuse against students and others in society. In a statement on Friday, the PFLP condemned the transformation of the law into a tool to strike all forms of solidarity with Palestine and “kill any criticism of Zionist practices and policies within American society.” The PFLP emphasized that the current events represent a deceitful manipulation of US laws, aiming […]
Konflikt mit hoher Intensität in Cauca (Widerstand in Kolumbien)
In den letzten Tagen kam es in der südwestkolumbianischen Provinz Cauca erneut zu schweren Kämpfen zwischen der Nationalen Armee und verschiedenen Strukturen des Westblocks Kommandant Jacobo Arenas der FARC-EP, Zentraler Generalstab. Unlängst machten zahlreiche Menschenrechtsorganisationen, aber auch indigene Organisationen auf die Lage in der Provinz nach dem Aufkündigen des Waffenstillstandes durch die Regierung aufmerksam. In der Nacht zum Freitag auf den 3. Mai wurde bekannt, dass schwere Kämpfe im Dorf La Playa, einer ländlichen Gegend der Gemeinde Toribío im Norden der Provinz, stattfanden. Dabei verloren nach Angaben der Behörden mindestens zwei Soldaten ihr Leben, andere wurden verwundet. Hier gab es […]
PFLP Underline Commitment to Resistance Ceasefire Demands (Abolition Media)
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) emphasized its commitment to the ceasefire demands of the remainder of the Palestinian Resistance factions. The Palestinian Resistance has been demanding a complete cessation of the aggression on Gaza, the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, a prisoner exchange deal, and the return of all displaced persons to their homes from which they were displaced. The PFLP underlined its commitment to the righteous demands of the Resistance. “There is full and comprehensive coordination between all resistance factions,” the PFLP said. “There is a consensus on the demands of […]
Memory of Operation Gedeon Still Outrages Venezuelans (Abolition Media)
On May 3, 2020, US-backed mercenaries failed in the so-called “Operation Gedeon,” an attempt to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and execute a coup d’état. On that occasion, Venezuelan Interior Minister Nestor Reverol informed that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and the National Police’s Special Action Forces intercepted an incursion by sea of mercenaries. These US-backed mercenaries were seeking to initiate a plan of violent actions in this South American country. Here is a chronological reconstruction of the events related to Operation Gideon: April 20: Weapons theft. Four captains and a lieutenant of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) were […]
Is U.S. Imperialism Maneuvering Toward “Humanitarian Intervention” in Burkina Faso? (Abolition Media)
As Burkina Faso attempts to move away from neo-colonial domination by France and the United States, the possibility of intervention via “humanitarian” channels grows more likely. Western NGOs like Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Western state-funded news outlets such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Voice of America (VOA) are not merely consistent in siding with imperialism. They are extensions of it. This must be kept in mind when attempting to understand why the African nation Burkina Faso suspended the radio broadcasts of BBC Africa and VOA for two weeks over their coverage of an HRW report. On April […]
Palestinian Resistance Factions Engage Zionist Troops at Netzarim Axis (Abolition Media)
The Palestinian Resistance has intensified its targeting of the Netzarim axis, established by the occupation in north-central Gaza and considered as a dividing corridor between Gaza City and its north on one hand and between the central and southern regions of Gaza on the other. The Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, engaged gatherings of occupation forces troops near Kibbutz Nirim using a missile barrage. It also engaged troops at the Netzarim axis using a 114 mm short-range Rajum missile system. Using heavy-caliber mortar shells, the brigades also engaged the headquarters of the Southern […]
The Yemeni Responses Amazed the World With Their Strength, Influence, Courage and Boldness — PFLP (Abolition Media)
Popular Front: The Yemeni Armed Forces’ announcement of the start of the fourth phase of escalation against the occupation is a turning point in the battle and a courageous and historic decision. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine praised the announcement by the Ansar Allah Movement and the Yemeni Armed Forces of the start of implementation of the fourth phase of escalation in response to the continuation of the ongoing war of extermination on the Gaza Strip, stressing that this important Yemeni step is a turning point in the ongoing battle between the resistance, the Zionist entity, America […]
Ansarallah to Target Zionist-Linked Ships in Mediterranean Sea (Abolition Media)
Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Yahya Saree on Friday announced a new stage in escalations that involves the targeting of ships heading to Zionist ports from the Mediterranean Sea. “We announce the implementation of the fourth phase of escalation by targeting ships moving towards occupied Palestinian ports,” Saree said. Saree outlined three measures: targeting violating ships, immediate implementation, and imposing sanctions on ships related to supplying occupied Palestinian ports if the entity invades Rafah. “First, the targeting of all ships that violate the ban decision of Zionist navigation and that heading to the ports of occupied Palestine from the […]
On the International Day of Action For Arrested Comrade D.Klette and Comrades E.Staub and B.Garweg, Who Are Persecuted as Members of the RAF: Athens, Greece (Abolition Media)
On Sunday, 14/4, responding to the call of the International Red Aid on an international day of action in solidarity with the arrested comrade D.Klette and comrades E.Staub and B.Garweg, who are persecuted as members of the RAF, we held a solidarity gathering outside the German embassy. The gathering lasted about an hour, with the comrades that participated shouting slogans. The banner was opened on Loukianou Street and leaflets were distributed. The text of the intervention: On February 26, 2024, after 34 years of living illegally, Daniela Klette was arrested, accused of participating in the Red Army Faction (RAF), as […]
Clashes in Santiago on May Day: Chile (Abolition Media)
Clashes took place in Santiago as part of the commemoration of Workers’ Day from 10 a. m. until the afternoon. Clashes were reported in the midst of the demonstration called by the Central Clasista de Trabajadores, on both lanes of the Alameda, particularly in the section between Brasil and Matucana streets. Carabinieri arrived at the scene, using water and gas cannons. Hooded anarchist demonstrators confronted the police with blunt instruments, Molotov cocktails and destroyed commercial premises and erected barricades in various areas Anarchists threw incendiary devices inside the Central Station. The Carabinieri reported at least 16 arrests, including 5 for […]
(Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek)
The Art of Writing Essays The ability to compose essays is something that all students should learn. Whether you are in high school or college, essays are an integral part of your academic journey. Not only do they allow you to demonstrate your understanding of a subject, but they also help you develop critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills. We will share with you some valuable tips and tricks to assist you in writing exceptional essays. Understanding Essay Structure The basic structure for an essay must be understood before writing begins. An essay is composed of three parts, an introduction, […]
(Roots for Equity)
Urgent Essays – What You Should Know It is important to be able to effectively manage time when writing for academic purposes. However, sometimes you’ll find yourself in a situation where your deadline is tight for an essay. It may be necessary in such situations to get professional assistance from an urgent essay-writing service. The article below will give you all the necessary information about urgent essays, and show you how they help you to meet deadlines. What is a Urgent Essay? Urgent essays are academic papers that need to be completed in a short amount of times. The essays […]
On Expression and Disruption (UChicago Faculty for Justice in Palestine)
Considering the Palestine solidarity encampment’s alignment with UChicago’s Kalven Report By Gabriel Winant Originally published in the Chicago Maroon. The Palestine solidarity encampment on the quad represents a significant trial for the University of Chicago’s frequently emphasized commitments to academic freedom and free expression. This challenge arises from internal tensions within the policies of the University, connected to the questions of what constitutes disruption, and what constitutes institutional ideological neutrality. It is of great importance for our academic community going forward that we as an institution face this challenge with integrity despite the difficulties that may be involved. The conflict…
Clarissa Rogers: Working Class Theorist (Philly Anti-Capitalist)
from Philly Metro Area WSA By Rebecca Croog, An interview series with Sachio Ko-yin. “In order to have a society where workers manage themselves collectively, we need all of our best group process skills. To have a culture that values all voices and all people equally in decision-making, we need to practice ways of working…
In Contempt #40: State Unleashes Counter-Insurgency Campaign Against Anti-War Movement (Philly Anti-Capitalist)
from It’s Going Down [This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.] In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.…
Al Jazeera reporter Tareq Abu Azzoum speaks about his work and the ethics of journalism (differx)